Physical activity and mental health: a systematic review and best-evidence synthesis of mediation and moderation studies
Background While evidence consistently demonstrates that physical activity is beneficial to
mental health, it remains relatively unknown how physical activity benefits mental health …
mental health, it remains relatively unknown how physical activity benefits mental health …
The association between sedentary behavior, exercise, and sleep disturbance: a mediation analysis of inflammatory biomarkers
Background Two related lifestyle behaviors associated with sleep disturbance are sedentary
behavior and physical exercise participation. We aimed to use a population-based study to …
behavior and physical exercise participation. We aimed to use a population-based study to …
Mitigation role of physical exercise participation in the relationship between blood cadmium and sleep disturbance: a cross-sectional study
The neurotoxicity of heavy metals received increasingly attention in recent years. Slee** is
regulated and coordinated by nervous system, however, the health hazard of heavy metal …
regulated and coordinated by nervous system, however, the health hazard of heavy metal …
Muscle quality index is associated with trouble slee**: a cross-sectional population based study
Background Trouble slee** is one of the major health issues nowadays. Current evidence
on the correlation between muscle quality and trouble slee** is limited. Methods A cross …
on the correlation between muscle quality and trouble slee** is limited. Methods A cross …
The role of education attainment on 24-hour movement behavior in emerging adults: evidence from a population-based study
Y You, L Mo, J Tong, X Chen, Y You - Frontiers in public health, 2024 -
Purpose The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between education level
and health behavior including sleep, work activity, exercise activity, and sedentary behavior …
and health behavior including sleep, work activity, exercise activity, and sedentary behavior …
Accelerometer-measured physical activity and sedentary behaviour are associated with C-reactive protein in US adults who get insufficient sleep: a threshold and …
Y You - Journal of sports sciences, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This study aimed to investigate the association between physical activity, sedentary
behaviour and chronic inflammation in short sleep adults. The study included 2,113 …
behaviour and chronic inflammation in short sleep adults. The study included 2,113 …
Cognitive performance in short sleep young adults with different physical activity levels: a cross-sectional fNIRS study
Y You, J Liu, D Wang, Y Fu, R Liu, X Ma - Brain Sciences, 2023 -
Short sleep is a common issue nowadays. The purpose of this study was to investigate
prefrontal cortical hemodynamics by evaluating changes in concentrations of oxygenated …
prefrontal cortical hemodynamics by evaluating changes in concentrations of oxygenated …
The effects of different types of Tai Chi exercise on anxiety and depression in older adults: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
X Kuang, Y Dong, L Song, L Dong, G Chao… - Frontiers in Public …, 2024 -
Background The body of evidence supporting the beneficial effects of Tai Chi in reducing
anxiety and depressive symptoms in older adults is steadily increasing. Nonetheless, there …
anxiety and depressive symptoms in older adults is steadily increasing. Nonetheless, there …
Threshold effects of the relationship between physical exercise and cognitive function in the short-sleep elder population
Background It has been demonstrated that elderly people's cognitive capacities can be
improved with exercise, and short sleep is linked to cognitive decline. However, the impact …
improved with exercise, and short sleep is linked to cognitive decline. However, the impact …
The association between recreational physical activity and depression in the short sleep population: a cross-sectional study
Background Short sleep is more common in the modern society. Recreational physical
activity (RPA) like exercise brings both mental and physiological benefits to depression; …
activity (RPA) like exercise brings both mental and physiological benefits to depression; …