[HTML][HTML] Topologies and Design Characteristics of Isolated High Step-Up DC–DC Converters for Photovoltaic Systems

H Meshael, A Elkhateb, R Best - Electronics, 2023‏ - mdpi.com
This paper aims to investigate the state-of-the-art isolated high-step-up DC–DC topologies
developed for photovoltaic (PV) systems. This study categorises the topologies into …

[PDF][PDF] Single switch isolated step-up DC-DC converter using modified non-dissipative snubber

H Meshael, A Elkhateb, R Best - Center for Power Electronics …, 2022‏ - pure.qub.ac.uk
This work proposes a single switch isolated step-up DC-DC converter with a greinacher
voltage doubler cell using a modified non-dissipative snubber for photovoltaic applications …

Conversor Boost com Indutor Acoplado e Capacitor Chaveado sem Pico de Corrente nos Semicondutores

PHCSB Loureiro, AMSS Andrade - SEPOC 2021, 2021‏ - repositorio.ufsm.br
No presente artigo é proposto um conversor hibrido de alto ganho de tensão, baseado em
estrutura de entrada de conversores boost e na estrutura de saída da combinação ladder de …