[HTML][HTML] Advancing environmental sustainability through microbial reprogramming in growth improvement, stress alleviation, and phytoremediation
The substantial influence of microbes on crop growth, stress resilience, and ecological
restoration has generated considerable interest due to the complex interplay between these …
restoration has generated considerable interest due to the complex interplay between these …
Harnessing rhizospheric core microbiomes from arid regions for enhancing date palm resilience to climate change effects
Date palm cultivation has thrived in the Gulf Cooperation Council region since ancient times,
where it represents a vital sector in agricultural and socio-economic development. However …
where it represents a vital sector in agricultural and socio-economic development. However …
The plant rhizosheath–root niche is an edaphic “mini-oasis” in hyperarid deserts with enhanced microbial competition
Plants have evolved unique morphological and developmental adaptations to cope with the
abiotic stresses imposed by (hyper) arid environments. Such adaptations include the …
abiotic stresses imposed by (hyper) arid environments. Such adaptations include the …
[HTML][HTML] Rhizosheath: Distinct features and environmental functions
Interactions between plant roots and the surrounding soils are crucial for plant growth and
soil health. The rhizosheath, which is the sheath-like soil that is tightly attached to the plant …
soil health. The rhizosheath, which is the sheath-like soil that is tightly attached to the plant …
Potential of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria to improve crop productivity and adaptation to a changing climate
Abiotic and biotic stresses negatively affect the growth and yield of crops worldwide. It is
estimated that abiotic and biotic stresses account for global food crop losses of 50% and …
estimated that abiotic and biotic stresses account for global food crop losses of 50% and …
Root exudation processes induce the utilization of microbial-derived components by rhizoplane microbiota under conservation agriculture
Root-associated microbiota play an essential role in maintaining the soil-plant-microbial
interactions of ecosystems, especially within conservation agriculture systems. However, the …
interactions of ecosystems, especially within conservation agriculture systems. However, the …
Root endophytic bacterial and fungal communities in a natural hot desert are differentially regulated in dry and wet seasons by stochastic processes and functional …
Dryland ecosystems experience seasonal cycles of severe drought and moderate
precipitation. Desert plants may develop symbiotic relationships with root endophytic …
precipitation. Desert plants may develop symbiotic relationships with root endophytic …
Long-Term Benefits of Cenchrus fungigraminus Residual Roots Improved the Quality and Microbial Diversity of Rhizosphere Sandy Soil through Cellulose …
J Li, L Zhang, S Yu, Z Luo, D Su, D Zheng, H Zhou… - Plants, 2024 - mdpi.com
Long-term plant residue retention can effectively replenish soil quality and fertility. In this
study, we collected rhizosphere soil from the residual roots of annual Cenchrus …
study, we collected rhizosphere soil from the residual roots of annual Cenchrus …
[HTML][HTML] Harnessing chickpea bacterial endophytes for improved plant health and fitness
Y Abdullaeva, G Mardonova, F Eshboev… - AIMS …, 2024 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Endophytic bacteria live asymptomatically inside the tissues of host plants without inflicting
any damage. Endophytes can confer several beneficial traits to plants, which can contribute …
any damage. Endophytes can confer several beneficial traits to plants, which can contribute …
[HTML][HTML] Rhizosheath: roles, formation processes and investigation methods
Climate change negatively affects crop productivity, threatening the survival of entire
populations from many vulnerable hotspot regions of the world with the risk of exacerbating …
populations from many vulnerable hotspot regions of the world with the risk of exacerbating …