[HTML][HTML] Remote sensing for landslide investigations: A progress report from China
China has a significant portion of land in landslide-prone areas, and remote sensing
technologies are becoming a tool of choice to investigate and monitor landslides. Although …
technologies are becoming a tool of choice to investigate and monitor landslides. Although …
A semi-automatic approach for joint orientation recognition using 3D trace network analysis
Identifying rock mass discontinuities and their plane orientation are crucial factors when
determining rock mass characteristics. Rock mass discontinuity map** is fundamentally …
determining rock mass characteristics. Rock mass discontinuity map** is fundamentally …
[HTML][HTML] Object-based analysis using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for site-specific landslide assessment
The increased development of computer vision technology combined with the increased
availability of innovative platforms with ultra-high-resolution sensors, has generated new …
availability of innovative platforms with ultra-high-resolution sensors, has generated new …
Semi-automatic calculation of joint trace length from digital images based on deep learning and data structuring techniques
YK Lee, J Kim, CS Choi, JJ Song - … Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining …, 2022 - Elsevier
A new semi-automated method is proposed in this study that detects joint traces from digital
images and calculates the length distribution through three-dimensional data structuring …
images and calculates the length distribution through three-dimensional data structuring …
[HTML][HTML] Utilizing semantic-level computer vision for fracture trace characterization of hard rock pillars in underground space
This study utilizes a semantic-level computer vision-based detection to characterize fracture
traces of hard rock pillars in underground space. The trace images captured by …
traces of hard rock pillars in underground space. The trace images captured by …
Identification of potential rockfall sources using UAV-derived point cloud
Recent advances in remote sensing techniques and computer algorithms allow accurate,
abundant, and high-resolution geometric information retrieval for rock mass characterization …
abundant, and high-resolution geometric information retrieval for rock mass characterization …
Contribution of high-resolution virtual outcrop models for the definition of rockfall activity and associated hazard modelling
The increased accessibility of drone technology and structure from motion 3D scene
reconstruction have transformed the approach for map** inaccessible slopes undergoing …
reconstruction have transformed the approach for map** inaccessible slopes undergoing …
Combining ground based remote sensing tools for rockfalls assessment and monitoring: The Poggio Baldi Landslide Natural Laboratory
Nowadays the use of remote monitoring sensors is a standard practice in landslide
characterization and monitoring. In the last decades, technologies such as LiDAR, terrestrial …
characterization and monitoring. In the last decades, technologies such as LiDAR, terrestrial …
[HTML][HTML] Machine learning-based and 3d kinematic models for rockfall hazard assessment using LiDAR data and GIS
Rockfall is one of the most hazardous phenomena in mountainous and hilly regions with
high and steep terrain. Such incidents can cause massive damage to people, properties …
high and steep terrain. Such incidents can cause massive damage to people, properties …
Multi-sensor and multi-scale remote sensing approach for assessing slope instability along transportation corridors using satellites and uncrewed aircraft systems
Rapid slope instabilities (ie, rockfalls) involving highway networks in mountainous areas
pose a threat to facilities, settlements and life, thus representing a challenge for asset …
pose a threat to facilities, settlements and life, thus representing a challenge for asset …