Oceanographic characteristics of baía de Todos os Santos, Brazil
Based on a vast set of in situ data, a first comprehensive overview of the oceanographic
characteristics of Baía de Todos os Santos (BTS) is provided. BTS is the second largest …
characteristics of Baía de Todos os Santos (BTS) is provided. BTS is the second largest …
Paleogeographic evolution of the central segment of the South Atlantic during Early Cretaceous times: Paleotopographic and geodynamic implications
The geodynamic processes that control the opening of the central segment of the South
Atlantic Ocean (between the Walvis Ridge and the Ascension FZ) are debated. In this paper …
Atlantic Ocean (between the Walvis Ridge and the Ascension FZ) are debated. In this paper …
The coastal zone of Brazil
J Dominguez - Geology and geomorphology of holocene coastal …, 2009 - Springer
Brazil has an area of 8,512,000 km2 which represents almost 50% of South America. Brazil's
coastal zone extends for approximately 9,200 km and presents a very diverse suite of …
coastal zone extends for approximately 9,200 km and presents a very diverse suite of …
Provenance, diagenesis and reservoir quality of sandstone facies of the Maracangalha Formation, Recôncavo Basin–Northeastern Brazil
Sedimentary composition studies on siliciclastic reservoirs and their relationship with
sedimentary provenance have proved to be useful in hydrocarbon exploration, enabling the …
sedimentary provenance have proved to be useful in hydrocarbon exploration, enabling the …
The Maracangalha injectite complex: An overlooked hydrocarbon play in the Lower Cretaceous Recôncavo Basin, NE Brazil
DM da Silveira, FF Vesely, C Fallgatter… - Marine and Petroleum …, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract The Recôncavo Basin is the third major natural gas producer in Brazil. Lower
Cretaceous sandstones of the Maracangalha Formation (Caruaçu and Pitanga Members) …
Cretaceous sandstones of the Maracangalha Formation (Caruaçu and Pitanga Members) …
Tectonic and stratigraphic evolution of southern Jacuípe Basin (Brazil) based on seismic sequence stratigraphy
CO Nunes, M Holz - Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 2019 - Elsevier
Jacuípe Basin, located at the northeastern Brazilian passive margin, has great hydrocarbon
potential, but is considered a new frontier basin due to the lack of integrated studies. The …
potential, but is considered a new frontier basin due to the lack of integrated studies. The …
[PDF][PDF] Diagênese e proveniência dos arenitos da tectonossequência Rifte nas Bacias do Rio do Peixe Araripe, NE do Brasil
ABS Costa - 2010 - researchgate.net
A presente dissertação é um dos requisitos necessários para a obtenção do grau de Mestre
em Geodinâmica do Curso de Mestrado do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geodinâmica …
em Geodinâmica do Curso de Mestrado do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geodinâmica …
The Sedimentary Evolution of the Cuiabá Group (Neoproterozoic Paraguai Orogen): A New Approach Applying Sequence Stratigraphy
V BEAL, GS SAES, JDS DA PAZ, E BARBOZA… - 2024 - researchsquare.com
Abstract The Cuiabá Group, widely distributed in the state of Mato Grosso, is a sedimentary
sequence that contains essential information about the geological evolution of the Paraguay …
sequence that contains essential information about the geological evolution of the Paraguay …
The Todos os Santos Bay—an ephemeral high-stand feature incised into an aborted cretaceous rift
JML Dominguez - Landscapes and Landforms of Brazil, 2015 - Springer
This chapter discusses the Todos os Santos Bay (Baía de Todos os Santos—BTS), one of
the Brazil's largest embayments. Salvador, which is one of the largest metropolises in the …
the Brazil's largest embayments. Salvador, which is one of the largest metropolises in the …
Avaliação de porte de um sistema entrelaçado na formação Marizal (Aptiano, Bacia do Tucano) a partir de análises de paleosinuosidade e paleohidráulica
MP Ramos Clavijo - 2017 - teses.usp.br
Uma das principais questões da geologia sedimentar fluvial é a identificação do porte dos
depósitos fluviais no registro geológico. O seguinte trabalho desenvolveu um método para …
depósitos fluviais no registro geológico. O seguinte trabalho desenvolveu um método para …