Terahertz channel propagation phenomena, measurement techniques and modeling for 6G wireless communication applications: A survey, open challenges and …
The Terahertz (THz) band (0.3-3.0 THz), spans a great portion of the Radio Frequency (RF)
spectrum that is mostly unoccupied and unregulated. It is a potential candidate for …
spectrum that is mostly unoccupied and unregulated. It is a potential candidate for …
IEEE 802.15. 3d: First standardization efforts for sub-terahertz band communications toward 6G
With the ratification of the IEEE 802.15. 3d amendment to 802.15. 3, a first step has been
made to standardize consumer wireless communications in the sub-THz frequency band …
made to standardize consumer wireless communications in the sub-THz frequency band …
Cycle-accurate network on chip simulation with noxim
The on-chip communication in current Chip-MultiProcessors (CMP) and MultiProcessor-SoC
(MPSoC) is mainly based on the Network-on-Chip (NoC) design paradigm. Unfortunately, it …
(MPSoC) is mainly based on the Network-on-Chip (NoC) design paradigm. Unfortunately, it …
The evolution of applications, hardware design, and channel modeling for terahertz (THz) band communications and sensing: Ready for 6G?
For decades, the terahertz (THz) frequency band had been primarily explored in the context
of radar, imaging, and spectroscopy, where multi-gigahertz (GHz) and even THz-wide …
of radar, imaging, and spectroscopy, where multi-gigahertz (GHz) and even THz-wide …
Problems and challenges of emerging technology networks− on− chip: A review
Abstract Networks− on− chip (NoC) are an alternative to alleviate the problems of legacy
interconnect fabrics. However, many emerging technology NoC are developed and are now …
interconnect fabrics. However, many emerging technology NoC are developed and are now …
A survey of emerging interconnects for on-chip efficient multicast and broadcast in many-cores
Networks-on-chip (NoC) have emerged to tackle different on-chip communication
challenges and can satisfy different demands in terms of performance, cost and reliability …
challenges and can satisfy different demands in terms of performance, cost and reliability …
Design and development of software defined metamaterials for nanonetworks
This paper introduces a class of programmable metamaterials, whose electromagnetic
properties can be controlled via software. These software defined metamaterials (SDMs) …
properties can be controlled via software. These software defined metamaterials (SDMs) …
Computing and communications for the software-defined metamaterial paradigm: A context analysis
Metamaterials are artificial structures that have recently enabled the realization of novel
electromagnetic components with engineered and even unnatural functionalities. Existing …
electromagnetic components with engineered and even unnatural functionalities. Existing …
Orthonoc: A broadcast-oriented dual-plane wireless network-on-chip architecture
On-chip communication remains as a key research issue at the gates of the manycore era. In
response to this, novel interconnect technologies have opened the door to new Network-on …
response to this, novel interconnect technologies have opened the door to new Network-on …
Replica: A wireless manycore for communication-intensive and approximate data
Data access patterns that involve fine-grained sharing, multicasts, or reductions have proved
to be hard to scale in shared-memory platforms. Recently, wireless on-chip communication …
to be hard to scale in shared-memory platforms. Recently, wireless on-chip communication …