Frontal and lateral submarine lobe fringes: comparing sedimentary facies, architecture and flow processes
Submarine lobe-fringe deposits form heterolithic successions that may include a high
proportion of hybrid beds. The identification of lobe-fringe successions aids interpretation of …
proportion of hybrid beds. The identification of lobe-fringe successions aids interpretation of …
The stratigraphic record and processes of turbidity current transformation across deep‐marine lobes
IA Kane, ASM Pontén, B Vangdal… - …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Sedimentary facies in the distal parts of deep‐marine lobes can diverge significantly from
those predicted by classical turbidite models, and sedimentological processes in these …
those predicted by classical turbidite models, and sedimentological processes in these …
Hybrid event bed character and distribution linked to turbidite system sub‐environments: The North Apennine Gottero Sandstone (north‐west Italy)
This study documents the character and occurrence of hybrid event beds (HEBs) deposited
across a range of deep‐water sub‐environments in the Cretaceous–Palaeocene Gottero …
across a range of deep‐water sub‐environments in the Cretaceous–Palaeocene Gottero …
The thick-bedded tail of turbidite thickness distribution as a proxy for flow confinement: Examples from tertiary basins of central and northern Apennines (Italy)
This study reviews the thickness statistics of non-channelized turbidites from four tertiary
basins of Central-Northern Apennines (Italy), where bed geometry and sedimentary …
basins of Central-Northern Apennines (Italy), where bed geometry and sedimentary …
An integrated process‐based model of flutes and tool marks in deep‐water environments: Implications for palaeohydraulics, the Bouma sequence and hybrid event …
Flutes and tool marks are commonly observed sedimentary structures on the bases of
sandstones in deep‐water successions. These sole structures are universally used as …
sandstones in deep‐water successions. These sole structures are universally used as …
Evolving fill‐and‐spill patterns across linked early post‐rift depocentres control lobe characteristics: Los Molles Formation, Argentina
Inherited rift topography controls the sediment routing, timing of sand supply, and
sedimentary linkage of early post‐rift depocentres. Exhumed examples of early post‐rift …
sedimentary linkage of early post‐rift depocentres. Exhumed examples of early post‐rift …
Hybrid event beds generated by local substrate delamination on a confined-basin floor
The outer parts of deep-water fans, and the basin plains into which they pass, are often
described as areas where erosion is negligible and turbidite systems have net aggradation …
described as areas where erosion is negligible and turbidite systems have net aggradation …
A depositional model for deep‐lacustrine, partially confined, turbidite fans: Early Cretaceous, North Falkland Basin
This paper presents a model of facies distribution within a set of early Cretaceous, deep‐
lacustrine, partially confined turbidite fans (Sea Lion Fan, Sea Lion North Fan and Otter Fan) …
lacustrine, partially confined turbidite fans (Sea Lion Fan, Sea Lion North Fan and Otter Fan) …
Hybrid event bed character and distribution in the context of ancient deep‐lacustrine fan models
Hybrid event beds are texturally and compositionally‐diverse deposits preserved within
deepwater settings. They are deposited by flows exhibiting 'mixed behaviour', forming …
deepwater settings. They are deposited by flows exhibiting 'mixed behaviour', forming …
Channel‐lobe transition zone development in tectonically active settings: Implications for hybrid bed development
Channel‐lobe transition zones are dynamic areas located between deepwater channels
and lobes. Presented here is a rare example of an exhumed channel‐lobe transition zone …
and lobes. Presented here is a rare example of an exhumed channel‐lobe transition zone …