Security issues in Internet of Vehicles (IoV): A comprehensive survey
H Taslimasa, S Dadkhah, ECP Neto, P ** the future of transportation systems. CAV …
Trust management in vehicular ad-hoc networks: Extensive survey
Over the past few decades, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) has become a vital and
extensive element of daily human life and activity. Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) …
extensive element of daily human life and activity. Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) …
Simulating malicious attacks on vanets for connected and autonomous vehicle cybersecurity: A machine learning dataset
Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) rely on Vehicular Adhoc Networks with
wireless communication between vehicles and roadside infrastructure to support safe …
wireless communication between vehicles and roadside infrastructure to support safe …
Machine learning approach for detecting location spoofing in VANET
A vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) consists of moving and stationary vehicles, along with
supporting infrastructure, which communicate with each other through a wireless medium …
supporting infrastructure, which communicate with each other through a wireless medium …
A lightweight authentication with privacy-preserving scheme for vehicular ad hoc networks based on elliptic curve cryptography
Vehicle in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) broadcasts beacons about their traffic status
wirelessly for improving traffic safety and efficiency. Before deployment of the VANET …
wirelessly for improving traffic safety and efficiency. Before deployment of the VANET …
Blockchain for future wireless networks: A decade survey
The emerging need for high data rate, low latency, and high network capacity encourages
wireless networks (WNs) to build intelligent and dynamic services, such as intelligent …
wireless networks (WNs) to build intelligent and dynamic services, such as intelligent …