Large igneous provinces and mass extinctions

PB Wignall - Earth-science reviews, 2001 - Elsevier
Comparing the timing of mass extinctions with the formation age of large igneous provinces
reveals a close correspondence in five cases, but previous claims that all such provinces …

The planet beyond the plume hypothesis

AD Smith, C Lewis - Earth-Science Reviews, 1999 - Elsevier
Acceptance of the theory of plate tectonics was accompanied by the rise of the mantle
plume/hotspot concept which has come to dominate geodynamics from its use both as an …

Early Neoproterozoic magmatism (1000–910 Ma) of the Zadinian and Mayumbian Groups (Bas-Congo): onset of Rodinia rifting at the western edge of the Congo …

L Tack, MTD Wingate, JP Liégeois… - Precambrian …, 2001 - Elsevier
New ion microprobe U–Pb zircon ages, as well as some geochemical and isotopic analyses,
for key igneous units within the central part of the West Congo belt are integrated with …

Manifestations of the Cretaceous High Arctic large igneous province in Svalbard

HD Maher, Jr - The Journal of Geology, 2001 -
Abstract Major Cretaceous Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs, eg, Kerguelen and Ontong Java)
show Aptian magmatic peaks and are linked to global mantle overturning and anomalous …

[PDF][PDF] Review of the areal extent and the volume of the Serra Geral Formation, Paraná Basin, South America

HT Frank, MEB Gomes, MLL Formoso - Pesquisas em Geociências, 2009 -
In the discussion of the origin of continental flood basalt provinces, one of the most important
constraints is the volume of the mobilized magma. Concerning the Serra Geral Formation in …

Cenozoic magmatism in the western Ross Embayment: Role of mantle plume versus plate dynamics in the development of the West Antarctic Rift System

S Rocchi, P Armienti, M D'Orazio… - Journal of …, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
Geochemical and chronological data for Cenozoic plutons and dikes from northern Victoria
Land (Antarctica), were used to propose a tectonic‐magmatic model for this portion of the …

The feeder system of the Deccan Traps (India): insights from dike geochemistry

L Vanderkluysen, JJ Mahoney, PR Hooper… - Journal of …, 2011 -
Three large dike systems are exposed in the Deccan Traps flood basalt province of India:
the dominantly north–south-trending west coast swarm, the east–west-trending Narmada …

Flood basalts and large igneous provinces from deep mantle plumes: fact, fiction, and fallacy

HC Sheth - Tectonophysics, 1999 - Elsevier
Flood basalts, large igneous provinces and all intraplate magmatism are almost
unanimously ascribed to features called mantle plumes in current geodynamics literature. In …

Generation of Deccan trap magmas

G Sen - Journal of Earth System Science, 2001 - Springer
Deccan Trap magmas may have erupted through multiple centers, the most prominent of
which may have been a shield volcano-like structure in the Western Ghats area. The lavas …

Geochronology of a Late Archaean flood basalt province in the Pilbara Craton, Australia: constraints on basin evolution, volcanic and sedimentary accumulation, and …

TS Blake, R Buick, SJA Brown, ME Barley - Precambrian Research, 2004 - Elsevier
Eleven high precision (±2–5 million years) SHRIMP zircon U–Pb ages have been obtained
from felsic rocks within a single stratigraphic section of late Archaean volcanic and …