Flame acceleration and transition to detonation in ducts
G Ciccarelli, S Dorofeev - Progress in energy and combustion science, 2008 - Elsevier
This paper reviews the state of knowledge on flame acceleration and deflagration-to-
detonation transition (DDT) in smooth ducts and ducts equipped with turbulence-producing …
detonation transition (DDT) in smooth ducts and ducts equipped with turbulence-producing …
Comments on explosion problems for hydrogen safety
The future widespread use of hydrogen as an energy carrier brings in safety issues that
have to be addressed before public acceptance can be achieved. The prediction of the …
have to be addressed before public acceptance can be achieved. The prediction of the …
Detonation in gases
We review recent progress in gaseous detonation experiment, modeling, and simulation. We
focus on the propagating detonation wave as a fundamental combustion process. The …
focus on the propagating detonation wave as a fundamental combustion process. The …
Isolating the effect of induction length on detonation structure: Hydrogen–oxygen detonation promoted by ozone
The effect of ignition promoters on H 2 single bondO 2 detonation structure was evaluated
with one-dimensional ZND calculations and experimental detonation cell measurements …
with one-dimensional ZND calculations and experimental detonation cell measurements …
The effects of large scale perturbation-generating obstacles on the propagation of detonation filled with methane–oxygen mixture
Orifice plates with large blockage ratios (BR= 0.691, 0.826, 0.923 and 0.962) are placed in
the entrance of the detonation transmission to investigate the artificially large-scale …
the entrance of the detonation transmission to investigate the artificially large-scale …
The hydrodynamic structure of unstable cellular detonations
The study analyses the cellular reaction zone structure of unstable methane–oxygen
detonations, which are characterized by large hydrodynamic fluctuations and unreacted …
detonations, which are characterized by large hydrodynamic fluctuations and unreacted …
Flame acceleration and deflagration-to-detonation transition in narrow channels filled with stoichiometric hydrogen-air mixture
Understanding flame acceleration (FA) and deflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT) is
important for combustion applications. However, DDT is a high-speed, nonlinear and …
important for combustion applications. However, DDT is a high-speed, nonlinear and …
Experimental characterization of the cell cycle for multicellular detonations
The detonation front's unstable structure leads to an unsteady and three-dimensional (3D)
phenomenon that renders the study of the cell cycle challenging. Traditionally, fundamental …
phenomenon that renders the study of the cell cycle challenging. Traditionally, fundamental …
A computational study of the interaction of gaseous detonations with a compressible layer
The propagation of two-dimensional cellular gaseous detonation bounded by an inert layer
is examined via computational simulations. The analysis is based on the high-order …
is examined via computational simulations. The analysis is based on the high-order …
Experimental and numerical investigations on propagating modes of detonations: Detonation wave/boundary layer interaction
In the present work the propagating modes of detonation wave in supersonic hydrogen–air
mixtures are investigated in narrow rectangular channels. To clarify the effect of the …
mixtures are investigated in narrow rectangular channels. To clarify the effect of the …