[HTML][HTML] The future of surrogacy: a review of current global trends and national landscapes

K Horsey - Reproductive biomedicine online, 2024 - Elsevier
The practice of surrogacy is frequently the subject of media, scientific, social, regulatory and
policy attention. Although it is, for many, an accepted form of assisted reproduction for those …

Surrogacy relationships: a critical interpretative review

J Gunnarsson Payne, E Korolczuk… - Upsala journal of …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Based on a critical interpretative review of existing qualitative research investigating
accounts of 'lived experience'of surrogates and intended parents from a relational …

Experiences of surrogates and intended parents of surrogacy arrangements: a systematic review

E Kneebone, K Beilby, K Hammarberg - Reproductive biomedicine online, 2022 - Elsevier
This review reports on the experiences of surrogates and intended parents of surrogacy
arrangements. The findings from 47 studies, conducted across 12 countries and …

Gay men and surrogacy

D Berkowitz - LGBTQ-parent families: Innovations in research and …, 2020 - Springer
The visibility of gay fathers is on the rise and scholars are just beginning to understand the
diversity of structures, arrangements, and practices within gay father-headed family …

Attitudes and beliefs of Italian educators and teachers regarding children raised by same-sex parents

R Baiocco, F Rosati, J Pistella, M Salvati… - Sexuality Research and …, 2020 - Springer
Teachers and educators represent meaningful relationships for children, and their attitudes
can have a major influence on a child's development. This research examined the role of …

Surrogacy families headed by gay men: relationships with surrogates and egg donors, fathers' decisions over disclosure and children's views on their surrogacy …

N Carone, R Baiocco, D Manzi, C Antoniucci… - Human …, 2018 - academic.oup.com
STUDY QUESTION How do gay father families experience surrogacy in terms of their
relationships with surrogates and egg donors, fathers' disclosure decisions and children's …

Gay and heterosexual single father families created by surrogacy: Father–child relationships, parenting quality, and children's psychological adjustment

N Carone, R Baiocco, V Lingiardi, L Barone - Sexuality Research and …, 2020 - Springer
Introduction The present study examined father-–child relationships, parenting quality, and
child psychological adjustment in 35 gay single father surrogacy families, 30 heterosexual …

Anticipation of stigma upon parenthood impacts parenting aspirations in the LGB community in Israel

G Shenkman - Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 2021 - Springer
Introduction This study compared childless Israeli lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB)
individuals to their heterosexual counterparts on anticipation of stigma upon parenthood and …

The psychosocial outcomes of older parenthood in early to mid-childhood: a mini-review

J Lysons, V Jadva - Human Reproduction, 2023 - academic.oup.com
Recent decades have seen a global trend towards delaying parenthood, referred to as the
'postponement transition'. Whilst there is plentiful research regarding obstetric and paediatric …

Gay fatherhood experiences and challenges through the lens of minority stress theory

I Grigoropoulos - Journal of homosexuality, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Gay-fatherhood raises questions about hegemonic gender norms and traditional family
systems in different contexts and countries. This study explores gay fathers' desires …