[کتاب][B] Off-diagonal Bethe ansatz for exactly solvable models
Y Wang, WL Yang, J Cao, K Shi - 2015 - Springer
Quantum integrable models play important roles in a variety of fields such as quantum field
theory, condensed matter physics, and statistical physics. For decades, a number of …
theory, condensed matter physics, and statistical physics. For decades, a number of …
Universal spin dynamics in infinite-temperature one-dimensional quantum magnets
We address the nature of spin dynamics in various integrable and nonintegrable, isotropic
and anisotropic quantum spin-S chains, beyond the paradigmatic S= 1/2 Heisenberg model …
and anisotropic quantum spin-S chains, beyond the paradigmatic S= 1/2 Heisenberg model …
[کتاب][B] Quantum groups in two-dimensional physics
C Gómez, M Ruiz-Altaba, G Sierra, M Ruiz-Altaba - 1996 - academia.edu
7.1 Mathematical preliminaries 228 7.1. l'The center of Uq (s£(2))\228 7.1. 2 Finite-
dimensional irreps 229 7.1. 3 The co-adjoint action 231 7.1. 4 Intertwiners" 234 7.2 A family …
dimensional irreps 229 7.1. 3 The co-adjoint action 231 7.1. 4 Intertwiners" 234 7.2 A family …
Central charges of the 6-and 19-vertex models with twisted boundary conditions
A new and general analytic method for calculating finite-size corrections and central charges
is applied to the 6-and 19-vertex models and their related spin-1/2 and spin-1 XXZ chains …
is applied to the 6-and 19-vertex models and their related spin-1/2 and spin-1 XXZ chains …
Integrable open spin chains with nonsymmetric R-matrices
The authors extend Sklyanin's formalism for constructing integrable open spin chains to the
case of'non-symmetric'(PT-invariant) R-matrices. They use this formalism to show that the …
case of'non-symmetric'(PT-invariant) R-matrices. They use this formalism to show that the …
The general Uq (sl (2)) invariant XXZ integrable quantum spin chain
The general Uq(sl(2)) invariant XXZ integrable quantum spin chain Page 1 Journal of
Physics A: Mathematical and General The general Uq(sl(2)) invariant XXZ integrable …
Physics A: Mathematical and General The general Uq(sl(2)) invariant XXZ integrable …
Off-diagonal Bethe ansatz solutions of the anisotropic spin-12 chains with arbitrary boundary fields
J Cao, WL Yang, K Shi, Y Wang - Nuclear Physics B, 2013 - Elsevier
The anisotropic spin-1 2 chains with arbitrary boundary fields are diagonalized with the off-
diagonal Bethe ansatz method. Based on the properties of the R-matrix and the K-matrices …
diagonal Bethe ansatz method. Based on the properties of the R-matrix and the K-matrices …
Off-diagonal Bethe ansatz solution of the XXX spin chain with arbitrary boundary conditions
J Cao, WL Yang, K Shi, Y Wang - Nuclear Physics B, 2013 - Elsevier
Employing the off-diagonal Bethe ansatz method proposed recently by the present authors,
we exactly diagonalize the XXX spin chain with arbitrary boundary fields. By constructing a …
we exactly diagonalize the XXX spin chain with arbitrary boundary fields. By constructing a …
Fusion procedure for open chains
The authors have generalized Sklyanin's approach of constructing open integrable quantum
spin chains to the case of PT-invariant R matrices. They formulate a fusion procedure for …
spin chains to the case of PT-invariant R matrices. They formulate a fusion procedure for …
Integrability of open spin chains with quantum algebra symmetry
We construct an open quantum spin chain from the “twisted” R matrix in the fundamental
representation which has the quantum algebra symmetry Uq [su (2)]. This anisotropic spin-1 …
representation which has the quantum algebra symmetry Uq [su (2)]. This anisotropic spin-1 …