Communication theory of resilience: Enacting adaptive-transformative processes when families experience loss and disruption
PM Buzzanell - Engaging theories in family communication, 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
The communication theory of resilience grew out of personal experience and/or research on
effects of job loss, deindustrialization, chronic illness and disability, death and relationship …
effects of job loss, deindustrialization, chronic illness and disability, death and relationship …
Inequality in online job searching in the age of social media
As hiring processes have increasingly moved online, having better digital skills could play
an important role in successful job seeking. However, digital inequality suggests that people …
an important role in successful job seeking. However, digital inequality suggests that people …
Social media repertoires: Social structure and platform use
We analyze how the size and composition of social media repertoires is associated with key
sociodemographic variables: age, gender, socioeconomic status, education, and …
sociodemographic variables: age, gender, socioeconomic status, education, and …
Seeking a sense of control or escapism? The role of video games in co** with unemployment
YH Lee, M Chen - Games and Culture, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Unemployment can have devastating effects on people's psychological and social
wellbeing. The effects of unemployment can be exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic …
wellbeing. The effects of unemployment can be exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic …
A typology of job search sources: Exploring the changing nature of job search networks
This study explored American job seekers' network of information sources using a random
sample. Results revealed a pattern that job seekers segmented information sources by …
sample. Results revealed a pattern that job seekers segmented information sources by …
Networks, case managers, and the job‐search experiences of unemployed people
Employment services are commonly provided in network settings, but it is rare to find social
policy analyses of how unemployed people search for jobs through networks. In a germinal …
policy analyses of how unemployed people search for jobs through networks. In a germinal …
[Im] mobility in the age of [im] mobile phones: Young NEETs and digital practices
H Thornham, E Gómez Cruz - New Media & Society, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
This article draws on research with young NEETs (not in education, employment or training)
in Leeds in order to contest the assumption that technological qualities informing new media …
in Leeds in order to contest the assumption that technological qualities informing new media …
[PDF][PDF] # jobless# older# digital–digital media user types of the older unemployed
The double burden of age and unemployment suggests that older unemployed individuals
are particularly affected by digital divide. To investigate the characteristics and user types of …
are particularly affected by digital divide. To investigate the characteristics and user types of …
Inattentive, imprudent and inapt: discovering inadequacies of ICT during life-changing events through the lens of non-users
Life-changing events (or LCEs) can alter a person's status quo and threaten well-being.
Previous research investigated distinct LCEs, where participants already used technology …
Previous research investigated distinct LCEs, where participants already used technology …
Black Lives Matter, COVID-19, and Political Opportunities:: Understanding Social Movement Expansion through Political Process Theory
D Turillo - Pittsburgh Undergraduate Review, 2021 - pur.pitt.edu
In the summer of 2020, while mired in the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States
experienced an unprecedentedly massive wave of protests led by the Black Lives Matter …
experienced an unprecedentedly massive wave of protests led by the Black Lives Matter …