A literature review on construction project success evaluation criteria and methods

GG Beshah, W Jekale Mengesha… - Cogent Engineering, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This literature review emphasizes the importance of stakeholder-responsive success criteria
and appropriate evaluation techniques for the construction industry. Traditional evaluation …

Principal risks associated with public-private partnership projects in Uganda

B Bagenda, Z Ndevu - Public Works Management & Policy, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) have been adopted globally to reduce funding gaps
amidst an increasing need for public infrastructure. However, they are prone to several risks …

Assessing stakeholder satisfaction in PPP transport projects in develo** countries: Evidence from Vietnam

N Van Du, LD Thuc, HB Tran - Built Environment Project and Asset …, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model still contains the obstacle in partnership,
which can lead to different satisfaction between project participants. Therefore, project …

Develo** success evaluation criteria of building projects for Addis Ababa Ethiopia

GG Beshah, WJ Mengesha, BA Demiss - Heliyon, 2024 - cell.com
Success evaluation using stakeholder-responsive criteria is crucial. Evaluation is vital for
achieving project goals as it improves ongoing projects and plans for the future. Effective …

[HTML][HTML] Reliability-based decision support framework for major changes to social infrastructure PPP contracts

L Geng, N Herath, L Zhang, F Kin Peng Hui, C Duffield - Applied sciences, 2020 - mdpi.com
In the operational phase of public-private partnership (PPP) contracts, undue delay in
addressing real needs may lead to poor service outcomes; conversely, commencing …

Framework for public sector participation in public-private partnership projects in Nigeria

AO Sanni - International Journal of Technological Learning …, 2021 - inderscienceonline.com
The establishment of an appropriate guide for the participants in the implementation of
public-private partnership projects is considered very important to the success of the …

BOT (Build-Operatetransfer) Projects as a Successful Model of Public-Private Partnership

A Vasileva, S Ignjatijević - REVIZOR* Časopis za upravljanje …, 2020 - casopisrevizor.rs
The pa per exa mi nes the BOT (bu ild-ope ra te-tran sfer) pro jects as a vi a ble mo del of pu
blicpri va te part ne rs hip. Its pur pose is to re veal the ir con cep tual fra me work, evo lu tion …

Successful Public Private Partnership Model and Strategy in The Manado-Bitung Toll Road Project

GE Kandiyoh - Design Engineering, 2021 - repository.polimdo.ac.id
ndonesia is speeding up growth by constructing toll roads in several places, one of which is
the Manado-Bitung toll road in North Sulawesi. Infrastructure development is carried out …

The influence of the planning and preparation stage on the success of public-private partnership local government scheme (KPDBU) availability payment in Indonesia

A Sunandar, D Indiyati - Proceedings of the International …, 2023 - books.google.com
Based on National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN Indonesia 2020-2024, the
need for infrastructure development in Indonesia reaches IDR 6,445 trillion. One of the …

Analysis of critical success factors of the public-private partnership model at Turkey airports' terminals

M Atın, BS Oguzturk, F Şengür - Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi …, 2022 - dergipark.org.tr
Türkiye'de hava taşımacılığı 2003 yılından itibaren hızlanmıştır. Özelleştirme Havalimanları
yapımında yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bugün Türkiye'de havayolunu kullanan yolcuların …