[HTML][HTML] An overview of slagging and fouling indicators and their applicability to biomass fuels

J Lachman, M Baláš, M Lisý, H Lisá, P Milčák… - Fuel processing …, 2021 - Elsevier
Slagging and fouling are common problems associated with biomass firing. The different
nature of the mineral and phase composition of biomass ash makes the vast experience with …

Ash-related issues during biomass combustion: Alkali-induced slagging, silicate melt-induced slagging (ash fusion), agglomeration, corrosion, ash utilization, and …

Y Niu, H Tan - Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2016 - Elsevier
Biomass is available from many sources or can be mass-produced. Moreover, biomass has
a high energy-generation potential, produces less toxic emissions than some other fuels, is …

State-of-the-art applications of fly ash from coal and biomass: A focus on zeolite synthesis processes and issues

C Belviso - Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2018 - Elsevier
Over the years, the production of waste ash from many sources (eg coal, biomass, industrial,
animal, and municipal solid waste) and from conventional and renewable energy …

An overview of the composition and application of biomass ash. Part 1. Phase–mineral and chemical composition and classification

SV Vassilev, D Baxter, LK Andersen, CG Vassileva - Fuel, 2013 - Elsevier
An extended overview of the phase–mineral and chemical composition and classification of
biomass ash (BA) was conducted. Some general considerations related to the composition …

The fate of chlorine during MSW incineration: Vaporization, transformation, deposition, corrosion and remedies

W Ma, T Wenga, FJ Frandsen, B Yan, G Chen - Progress in Energy and …, 2020 - Elsevier
Municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration plays an important role in waste treatment systems
throughout the world, due to the advantages of fast volume reduction by 80–90%, heat …

Review of the use of additives to mitigate operational problems associated with the combustion of biomass with high content in ash-forming species

JL Míguez, J Porteiro, F Behrendt, D Blanco… - … and sustainable energy …, 2021 - Elsevier
The impact of additives addition on the combustion behavior of biomass with high content in
ash-forming species is evaluated in this review. Their influence on both emissions …

[HTML][HTML] Alkali metals association in biomass and their impact on ash melting behaviour

A Mlonka-Mędrala, A Magdziarz, M Gajek, K Nowińska… - Fuel, 2020 - Elsevier
Selected agricultural and energy crop biomass ashes represented by two mixed cereal
straws, corn straw, Miscanthus× Gigantus and Salix Viminalis were chosen for ash …

An overview of the behaviour of biomass during combustion: Part I. Phase-mineral transformations of organic and inorganic matter

SV Vassilev, D Baxter, CG Vassileva - Fuel, 2013 - Elsevier
An extended overview of the phase-mineral transformations of organic and inorganic matter
that occur during biomass combustion was conducted. Some general considerations and …

An overview of the behaviour of biomass during combustion: Part II. Ash fusion and ash formation mechanisms of biomass types

SV Vassilev, D Baxter, CG Vassileva - Fuel, 2014 - Elsevier
An extended overview of the phase–mineral transformations of organic and inorganic matter
during biomass combustion was conducted in Part I of the present work. The ash fusion and …

Biomass combustion technology development–It is all about chemical details

M Hupa, O Karlström, E Vainio - Proceedings of the Combustion institute, 2017 - Elsevier
Biomass fuels differ in many ways from the conventional fossil fuels used in combustion
processes, such as coal. They often have high moisture contents, lower heating values, and …