[KNJIGA][B] Data-driven science and engineering: Machine learning, dynamical systems, and control
SL Brunton, JN Kutz - 2022 - books.google.com
Data-driven discovery is revolutionizing how we model, predict, and control complex
systems. Now with Python and MATLAB®, this textbook trains mathematical scientists and …
systems. Now with Python and MATLAB®, this textbook trains mathematical scientists and …
[KNJIGA][B] Dynamic mode decomposition: data-driven modeling of complex systems
The integration of data and scientific computation is driving a paradigm shift across the
engineering, natural, and physical sciences. Indeed, there exists an unprecedented …
engineering, natural, and physical sciences. Indeed, there exists an unprecedented …
[KNJIGA][B] Machine learning control-taming nonlinear dynamics and turbulence
This book is an introduction to machine learning control (MLC), a surprisingly simple model-
free methodology to tame complex nonlinear systems. These systems are assumed to be …
free methodology to tame complex nonlinear systems. These systems are assumed to be …
[HTML][HTML] Solving partial differential equations using deep learning and physical constraints
Y Guo, X Cao, B Liu, M Gao - Applied Sciences, 2020 - mdpi.com
The various studies of partial differential equations (PDEs) are hot topics of mathematical
research. Among them, solving PDEs is a very important and difficult task. Since many …
research. Among them, solving PDEs is a very important and difficult task. Since many …
Computational sensing, understanding, and reasoning: an artificial intelligence approach to physics-informed world modeling
This work offers a discussion on how computational mechanics and physics-informed
machine learning can be integrated into the process of sensing, understanding, and …
machine learning can be integrated into the process of sensing, understanding, and …
Classification and computation of extreme events in turbulent combustion
In the design of practical combustion systems, ensuring safety and reliability is an important
requirement. For instance, reliably avoiding lean blowout, flame flashback or inlet unstart is …
requirement. For instance, reliably avoiding lean blowout, flame flashback or inlet unstart is …
[HTML][HTML] A novel method of low-dimensional representation for temporal behavior of flow fields using deep autoencoder
N Omata, S Shirayama - Aip Advances, 2019 - pubs.aip.org
A method capable of comparing and analyzing the spatio-temporal structures of unsteady
flow fields has not yet been established. Temporal analyses of unsteady flow fields are often …
flow fields has not yet been established. Temporal analyses of unsteady flow fields are often …
Dynamic mode decomposition for compressive system identification
Dynamic mode decomposition has emerged as a leading technique to identify
spatiotemporal coherent structures from high-dimensional data, benefiting from a strong …
spatiotemporal coherent structures from high-dimensional data, benefiting from a strong …
Physics-driven learning of the steady Navier-Stokes equations using deep convolutional neural networks
Recently, physics-driven deep learning methods have shown particular promise for the
prediction of physical fields, especially to reduce the dependency on large amounts of pre …
prediction of physical fields, especially to reduce the dependency on large amounts of pre …
Closed-loop forced heat convection control using deep reinforcement learning
In this paper, deep reinforcement learning (DRL) is applied on forced convection control of
conjugate heat transfer systems governed by the coupled Navier-Stokes and heat transport …
conjugate heat transfer systems governed by the coupled Navier-Stokes and heat transport …