On the declining interest in physics among students—from the perspective of teachers
PT Oon, R Subramaniam - International journal of Science …, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
This study examines physics teachers' views on factors that contribute to the declining
interest in physics among school students. A total of 190 physics teachers from 91 …
interest in physics among school students. A total of 190 physics teachers from 91 …
Views of physics teachers on how to address the declining enrolment in physics at the university level
PT Oon, R Subramaniam - Research in Science & Technological …, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Teachers' views are worth hearing in order to get ideas on how to address the trend of
declining enrolment in physics at the university level, which is regarded as a global problem …
declining enrolment in physics at the university level, which is regarded as a global problem …
Uma perspectiva sociocultural para a introdução de conceitos de física quântica no ensino médio: análise das interações discursivas em uma unidade didática …
L Telichevesky - 2015 - lume.ufrgs.br
Este trabalho relata a produção, implementação e avaliação de um curso sobre física
quântica destinado a alunos do Ensino Médio. A unidade didática foi inspirada nas …
quântica destinado a alunos do Ensino Médio. A unidade didática foi inspirada nas …
[HTML][HTML] What is Light, Really? A Quantum Dialectical View
A Malek - Annals of Mathematics and Physics, 2024 - peertechzpublications.us
Radiant energy in the form of visible light has been and still remains the most mysterious
and venerated object in human history. Gradual understanding of the nature of light now in …
and venerated object in human history. Gradual understanding of the nature of light now in …
Factors affecting the choice of science subjects among girls at secondary level in Mauritius
J Naugah - 2011 - bura.brunel.ac.uk
This research attempts to identify the factors which influence the choice of science subjects
in Mauritius among girls at the end of the third year of secondary education, the level up to …
in Mauritius among girls at the end of the third year of secondary education, the level up to …
[PDF][PDF] Exploring the possibility of integrating traditional music and dance into the design and delivery of lessons on the concepts of echo and waves in the grade 10 …
AK Liveve - Unpublished master's thesis. Education Department …, 2017 - core.ac.uk
Before Namibian independence in 1990, teaching was mostly characterized by teacher-
centred pedagogies in which teachers were perceived as the main sources of knowledge …
centred pedagogies in which teachers were perceived as the main sources of knowledge …
A abordagem do efeito fotoelétrico no ensino médio: contribuições de uma unidade ensino potencialmente significativa
RSDA SILVA - 2015 - repositorio.ufms.br
Muitas são as discussões na área de Ensino de Ciências sobre a importância da inserção
de tópicos de Física Moderna e Contemporânea (FMC) no ensino médio e possíveis …
de tópicos de Física Moderna e Contemporânea (FMC) no ensino médio e possíveis …
Teaching and learning geometric optics in middle school through the Turning Eyes to the Big Sky project
MJ Leonard, RM Hannahoe, GE Nollmeyer… - Optical …, 2013 - spiedigitallibrary.org
The Turning Eyes to the Big Sky project offered schools in southwestern Montana a unique
opportunity to strengthen science instruction. The project implemented, in a formal setting, a …
opportunity to strengthen science instruction. The project implemented, in a formal setting, a …
Characterization of color vision by spectroscopy and nanotechnology: application to media photonics
O Vauderwange - 2021 - theses.hal.science
Display and visualization devices are the most important interfaces between digital
information and human perception. This research discusses and correlates the color …
information and human perception. This research discusses and correlates the color …
Formalna analiza konceptualna-reprezentacja wiedzy-przekład
R Boroch - Roczniki Humanistyczne, 2013 - ceeol.com
Do przekáadu maszynowego wykorzystaáem programy firmy Techland z roku 2005 oraz
Kompas z roku 2003 wspomagaj cych przekáad, a tak e, dla porównania, wersji programów …
Kompas z roku 2003 wspomagaj cych przekáad, a tak e, dla porównania, wersji programów …