MOGATS: A multi-objective genetic algorithm-based task scheduling for heterogeneous embedded systems

M Nikseresht, M Raji - International Journal of Embedded …, 2021‏ -
Multi-objective optimisation is an unavoidable requirement in different steps of embedded
systems design, including task map** and scheduling. In this paper, a new multi-objective …

UMOTS: an uncertainty-aware multi-objective genetic algorithm-based static task scheduling for heterogeneous embedded systems

M Raji, M Nikseresht - The Journal of supercomputing, 2022‏ - Springer
Increasing manufacturing process variations due to aggressive technology scaling in
addition to heterogeneity in design components are expected to cause serious challenges …

Multi-objective distributed run-time resource management for many-cores

S Wildermann, M Glaß, J Teich - 2014 Design, Automation & …, 2014‏ -
Dynamic usage scenarios of many-core systems require sophisticated run-time resource
management that can deal with multiple often conflicting application and system objectives …

E-Mapper: Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for Traditional Operating Systems on Heterogeneous Processors

T Smejkal, R Khasanov, J Castrillon… - ar** methodology for predictable execution time in MPSoCs
A Weichslgartner, S Wildermann… - ACM Transactions on …, 2018‏ -
Executing multiple applications on a single MPSoC brings the major challenge of satisfying
multiple quality requirements regarding real-time, energy, and so on. Hybrid application …

CL (R) early: An early-stage DSE methodology for cross-layer reliability-aware heterogeneous embedded systems

SS Sahoo, B Veeravalli, A Kumar - 2020 57th ACM/IEEE …, 2020‏ -
Cross-layer reliability (CLR) presents a cost-effective alternative to traditional single-layer
design in resource-constrained embedded systems. CLR provides the scope for leveraging …

Performance, energy, and temperature enabled task scheduling using evolutionary techniques

HF Sheikh, I Ahmad, SA Arshad - Sustainable Computing: Informatics and …, 2019‏ - Elsevier
In allocating parallel tasks to cores, most energy and thermal-aware scheduling techniques
rely on Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) to mark up and down core speeds …

Dynamic many-process applications on many-tile embedded systems and HPC clusters: The EURETILE programming environment and execution platforms

PS Paolucci, A Biagioni, LG Murillo, F Rousseau… - Journal of Systems …, 2016‏ - Elsevier
In the next decade, a growing number of scientific and industrial applications will require
power-efficient systems providing unprecedented computation, memory, and communication …

A parallel decomposition approach for building design optimization

Y Li, N Bonyadi, B Lee - Journal of Building Engineering, 2022‏ - Elsevier
Integrated building design can promote high-performance, energy-efficient, and sustainable
building designs by holistically considering design variables of simulation models from …

Search-space decomposition for system-level design space exploration of embedded systems

V Richthammer, F Fassnacht, M Glaß - ACM Transactions on Design …, 2020‏ -
The development of large-scale multi-and many-core platforms and the rising complexity of
embedded applications have led to a significant increase in the number of implementation …