Confusion reigns? A review of marine megafauna interactions with tidal-stream environments
Energetic tidal-stream environments are characterized by frequent, variable, yet broadly
predictable currents containing ephemeral flow structures that change across multiple spatio …
predictable currents containing ephemeral flow structures that change across multiple spatio …
Habitat modelling of tracking data from multiple marine predators identifies important areas in the Southern Indian Ocean
Aim The distribution of marine predators is driven by the distribution and abundance of their
prey; areas preferred by multiple marine predator species should therefore indicate areas of …
prey; areas preferred by multiple marine predator species should therefore indicate areas of …
Movement and diving of killer whales (Orcinus orca) at a Southern Ocean archipelago
Eleven satellite tags were deployed on 9 killer whales at the Prince Edwards Islands in the
Southern Ocean. State-space switching models were used to generate position estimates …
Southern Ocean. State-space switching models were used to generate position estimates …
Diet variation in a critically endangered marine predator revealed with stable isotope analysis
Understanding the foraging ecology of animals gives insights into their trophic relationships
and habitat use. We used stable isotope analysis to understand the foraging ecology of a …
and habitat use. We used stable isotope analysis to understand the foraging ecology of a …
Creatures of habit: foraging habitat fidelity of adult female Australian sea lions
We examined the movement characteristics and seasonality of feeding behaviour for an
endemic Australian otariid, the Australian sea lion Neophoca cinerea. By combining tracking …
endemic Australian otariid, the Australian sea lion Neophoca cinerea. By combining tracking …
Foraging in a dynamic environment: Response of four sympatric sub‐Antarctic albatross species to interannual environmental variability
Seasonal and annual climate variations are linked to fluctuations in the abundance and
distribution of resources, posing a significant challenge to animals that need to adjust their …
distribution of resources, posing a significant challenge to animals that need to adjust their …
Winter habitat predictions of a key Southern Ocean predator, the Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella)
Quantification of the physical and biological environmental factors that influence the spatial
distribution of higher trophic species is central to inform management and develop …
distribution of higher trophic species is central to inform management and develop …
Steady as he goes: at-sea movement of adult male Australian sea lions in a dynamic marine environment
The southern coastline of Australia forms part of the worlds' only northern boundary current
system. The Bonney Upwelling occurs every austral summer along the south-eastern South …
system. The Bonney Upwelling occurs every austral summer along the south-eastern South …
Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) post breeding dispersal and southward migration in the western Indian Ocean
Investigating movement patterns of marine migratory species is critical to understand habitat
use and population structure, and help inform conservation and management planning …
use and population structure, and help inform conservation and management planning …
Killer whale acoustic patterns respond to prey abundance and environmental variability around the Prince Edward Islands, Southern Ocean
FW Shabangu, R Daniels… - Royal Society …, 2024 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Killer whales are apex predators with temporally and spatially varying distributions
throughout the world's oceans. Their ecology and behaviour are poorly understood in most …
throughout the world's oceans. Their ecology and behaviour are poorly understood in most …