Geological controls on geothermal resources for power generation
Threats posed by the climate crisis have created an urgent need for sustainable green
energy. Geothermal resources have the potential to provide up to 150 GWe of sustainable …
energy. Geothermal resources have the potential to provide up to 150 GWe of sustainable …
[HTML][HTML] Rock fracture initiation under deep extreme in situ conditions: A review
Q Zhou, Z Zhu, R Zhang, Z Fan, X Nie, W Gao… - Journal of Rock …, 2024 - Elsevier
Rock fracture toughness is a critical parameter for optimizing reservoir stimulation during
deep resource extraction. This index characterizes the in situ resistance of rocks to fracture …
deep resource extraction. This index characterizes the in situ resistance of rocks to fracture …
Quantification of microcrack characteristics and implications for stiffness and strength of granite
Microcracks can affect the mechanical properties of rocks, such as their stiffness and
strength. To provide a link between the microstructural parameters and the mechanical …
strength. To provide a link between the microstructural parameters and the mechanical …
Influence of different thermal cycling treatments on the physical, mechanical and transport properties of granite
P **, Y Hu, J Shao, G Zhao, X Zhu, C Li - Geothermics, 2019 - Elsevier
Two different types of thermal cycling treatments (slow heating followed by slow cooling or
rapid quenching) were carried out on the granite samples in the present research. The …
rapid quenching) were carried out on the granite samples in the present research. The …
Thermal cracking in westerly granite monitored using direct wave velocity, coda wave interferometry, and acoustic emissions
To monitor both the permanent (thermal microcracking) and the nonpermanent (thermo‐
elastic) effects of temperature on Westerly Granite, we combine acoustic emission …
elastic) effects of temperature on Westerly Granite, we combine acoustic emission …
Experimental evaluation of physical and mechanical properties of geothermal reservoir rock after different cooling treatments
S Sha, G Rong, Z Chen, B Li, Z Zhang - Rock Mechanics and Rock …, 2020 - Springer
A comprehensive understanding of the physico-mechanical behavior of rocks in hot dry rock
(HDR) reservoir after different stimulation treatments is essential for the safe and effective …
(HDR) reservoir after different stimulation treatments is essential for the safe and effective …
Tensile behavior and damage mechanisms of hot dry rock under thermal shock fatigue and seawater dissolution
Significant potential exists for mining hot dry rock in coastal areas, oceans, islands, and
reefs by utilizing abundant seawater as a heat-exchanging medium. It is crucial for …
reefs by utilizing abundant seawater as a heat-exchanging medium. It is crucial for …
Acoustic emission (AE) characteristics of granite after heating and cooling cycles
Z Ge, Q Sun - Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2018 - Elsevier
Understanding the mechanical behaviour of rock under heating and cooling cycle condition
is necessary for safe and effective deep geo-engineering applications, including geothermal …
is necessary for safe and effective deep geo-engineering applications, including geothermal …
Effect of temperature and confining pressure on the evolution of hydraulic and heat transfer properties of geothermal fracture in granite
The hydraulic and heat transfer properties of artificial fracture networks are key to the
efficiency of energy production from geothermal reservoirs. To date, no conclusive view …
efficiency of energy production from geothermal reservoirs. To date, no conclusive view …
Effects of rapid cooling treatment on heated sandstone: a comparison between water and liquid nitrogen cooling
Q Li, T Yin, X Li, S Zhang - Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the …, 2020 - Springer
Rock mass is frequently subjected to rapid cooling in many temperature-dependent
engineering applications. In this paper, to understand the effects of water and liquid nitrogen …
engineering applications. In this paper, to understand the effects of water and liquid nitrogen …