[HTML][HTML] Symposium review: Uncertainties in enteric methane inventories, measurement techniques, and prediction models
Ruminant production systems are important contributors to anthropogenic methane (CH 4)
emissions, but there are large uncertainties in national and global livestock CH 4 …
emissions, but there are large uncertainties in national and global livestock CH 4 …
[PDF][PDF] Enteric methane mitigation interventions
JQ Fouts, MC Honan, BM Roque… - Translational Animal …, 2022 - academic.oup.com
Mitigation of enteric methane (CH4) presents a feasible approach to curbing agriculture's
contribution to climate change. One intervention for reduction is dietary reformulation, which …
contribution to climate change. One intervention for reduction is dietary reformulation, which …
[HTML][HTML] Feeding strategies to mitigate enteric methane emission from ruminants in grassland systems
Simple Summary Ruminants under grazing conditions play an important role, especially in
develo** countries. Enteric methane emissions from ruminants are greater with pasture …
develo** countries. Enteric methane emissions from ruminants are greater with pasture …
Does grazing management provide opportunities to mitigate methane emissions by ruminants in pastoral ecosystems?
ÁS Zubieta, JV Savian, W de Souza Filho… - Science of the Total …, 2021 - Elsevier
Agriculture, and livestock production in particular, is criticized for being a contributor to
global environmental change, including emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG). Methane …
global environmental change, including emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG). Methane …
Revisiting the relationships between fat-to-protein ratio in milk and energy balance in dairy cows of different parities, and at different stages of lactation
EH Cabezas-Garcia, AW Gordon, FJ Mulligan… - Animals, 2021 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary Data from 840 Holstein-Friesian cows (1321 lactations) were used to
evaluate trends in fat-to-protein ratios in milk (FPR), and the use of FPR as an indicator of …
evaluate trends in fat-to-protein ratios in milk (FPR), and the use of FPR as an indicator of …
Enteric methane research and mitigation strategies for pastoral-based beef cattle production systems
Ruminant livestock play a key role in global society through the conversion of
lignocellulolytic plant matter into high-quality sources of protein for human consumption …
lignocellulolytic plant matter into high-quality sources of protein for human consumption …
Rumen-protected zinc–methionine dietary inclusion alters dairy cow performances, and oxidative and inflammatory status under long-term environmental heat stress
M Danesh Mesgaran, H Kargar, R Janssen… - Frontiers in Veterinary …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Dairy cows are susceptible to heat stress due to the levels of milk production and feed
intake. Dietary supplemental amino acids, particularly rate-limiting amino acids, for example …
intake. Dietary supplemental amino acids, particularly rate-limiting amino acids, for example …
[HTML][HTML] Milk composition and production efficiency within feed-to-yield systems on commercial dairy farms in Northern Ireland
AL Craig, AW Gordon, G Hamill, CP Ferris - Animals, 2022 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary Feed-to-yield concentrate allocation systems seek to improve precision by
targeting more nutrients to dairy cows with the greatest nutrient requirements. This study …
targeting more nutrients to dairy cows with the greatest nutrient requirements. This study …
Beef steers and enteric methane: Reducing emissions by managing forage diet fiber content
D Santander, J Clariget, G Banchero, F Alecrim… - Animals, 2023 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary Methane (CH4) is one of the main GHGs that is emitted by ruminant
production systems, making its quantification important. A total of two forage diets with …
production systems, making its quantification important. A total of two forage diets with …
Enteric methane emissions in grazing dairy systems
Approximately 80% of agricultural CH 4 comes from livestock systems, with 90% of that
derived from enteric CH 4 production by ruminants. Grazing systems are used worldwide to …
derived from enteric CH 4 production by ruminants. Grazing systems are used worldwide to …