Public transport for smart cities: Recent innovations and future challenges
The idea of a smart city is one that utilises Internet-of-Things (IoT) technologies and data
analytics to optimise the efficiency of city operations and services, so as to provide a high …
analytics to optimise the efficiency of city operations and services, so as to provide a high …
A survey of Flex-Route Transit problem and its link with Vehicle Routing Problem
Flexible transport systems such as Demand Responsive Transit (DRT) are becoming more
and more popular over the last few years due to their convenience for customers. However …
and more popular over the last few years due to their convenience for customers. However …
The pickup and delivery problem with transfers: Formulation and a branch-and-cut solution method
In this paper, a strict formulation of a generalization of the classical pickup and delivery
problem is presented. Here, we add the flexibility of providing the option for passengers to …
problem is presented. Here, we add the flexibility of providing the option for passengers to …
Analysis of an idealized system of demand adaptive paired-line hybrid transit
This paper proposes and analyzes a new transit system that integrates the traditional fixed-
route service with a demand-adaptive service. The demand-adaptive service connects …
route service with a demand-adaptive service. The demand-adaptive service connects …
Connecting e-hailing to mass transit platform: Analysis of relative spatial position
This paper analyzes and compares two different relative spatial position (RSP) designs in an
integrated e-hailing/fixed-route transit system: a zone-based design that operates e-hailing …
integrated e-hailing/fixed-route transit system: a zone-based design that operates e-hailing …
The integrated dial-a-ride problem with timetabled fixed route service
This paper concerns operational planning of door-to-door transportation systems for the
elderly and/or disabled, who often need a more flexible transportation system than the rest of …
elderly and/or disabled, who often need a more flexible transportation system than the rest of …
An insertion heuristic for scheduling mobility allowance shuttle transit (MAST) services
In this paper, we develop an insertion heuristic for scheduling Mobility Allowance Shuttle
Transit (MAST) services, an innovative concept that merges the flexibility of Demand …
Transit (MAST) services, an innovative concept that merges the flexibility of Demand …
Mobility allowance shuttle transit (MAST) services: MIP formulation and strengthening with logic constraints
We study a hybrid transportation system referred to as mobility allowance shuttle transit
(MAST) where vehicles may deviate from a fixed path consisting of a few mandatory …
(MAST) where vehicles may deviate from a fixed path consisting of a few mandatory …
Performance and design of mobility allowance shuttle transit services: bounds on the maximum longitudinal velocity
We develop bounds on the maximum longitudinal velocity to evaluate the performance and
help the design of mobility allowance shuttle transit (MAST) services. MAST is a new …
help the design of mobility allowance shuttle transit (MAST) services. MAST is a new …
Design and operational concepts of high-coverage point-to-point transit system
Conceptual design and preliminary feasibility simulation results are presented for a flexible
transit system for travel from any point to any point based on real-time personalized travel …
transit system for travel from any point to any point based on real-time personalized travel …