Computational transition at the uniqueness threshold

A Sly - 2010 IEEE 51st Annual Symposium on Foundations of …, 2010 -
The hardcore model is a model of lattice gas systems which has received much attention in
statistical physics, probability theory and theoretical computer science. It is the probability …

Strong Data Processing Inequalities and -Sobolev Inequalities for Discrete Channels

M Raginsky - IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2016 -
The noisiness of a channel can be measured by comparing suitable functionals of the input
and output distributions. For instance, the worst case ratio of output relative entropy to input …

Gibbs measures and phase transitions on sparse random graphs

A Dembo, A Montanari - 2010 -
Many problems of interest in computer science and information theory can be phrased in
terms of a probability distribution over discrete variables associated to the vertices of a large …

Information contraction and decomposition

A Makur - 2019 -
These inequalities can be tightened to produce" strong" data processing inequalities
(SDPIs), which are obtained by introducing appropriate channel-dependent or source …

Reconstruction and clustering in random constraint satisfaction problems

A Montanari, R Restrepo, P Tetali - SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 2011 - SIAM
Random instances of constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) appear to be hard for all
known algorithms when the number of constraints per variable lies in a certain interval …

Reconstruction of random colourings

A Sly - Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2009 - Springer
Reconstruction problems have been studied in a number of contexts including biology,
information theory and statistical physics. We consider the reconstruction problem for …

Frogs on trees?

J Hermon - 2018 -
We study a system of simple random walks on T_d,n=(\calV_d,n,\calE_d,n), the d-ary tree of
depth n, known as the frog model. Initially there are Pois (λ) particles at each site …

Broadcasting on random directed acyclic graphs

A Makur, E Mossel, Y Polyanskiy - IEEE Transactions on …, 2019 -
We study the following generalization of the wellknown model of broadcasting on trees.
Consider an infinite directed acyclic graph (DAG) with a unique source vertex X. Let the …

Randomly coloring planar graphs with fewer colors than the maximum degree

TP Hayes, JC Vera, E Vigoda - Proceedings of the thirty-ninth annual …, 2007 -
We study Markov chains for randomly sampling k-colorings of a graph with maximum degree
δ. Our main result is a polynomial upper bound on the mixing time of the single-site update …

Better size estimation for sparse matrix products

RR Amossen, A Campagna, R Pagh - Algorithmica, 2014 - Springer
We consider the problem of doing fast and reliable estimation of the number z of non-zero
entries in a sparse boolean matrix product. This problem has applications in databases and …