A general review of CO2 sequestration in underground geological formations and assessment of depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Niger Delta
This paper investigates the viability of CO 2 storage in geological formations, including
depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs applying 3-dimensional seismic and well data of the Niger …
depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs applying 3-dimensional seismic and well data of the Niger …
Numerical investigations on performance of sc-CO2 sequestration associated with the evolution of porosity and permeability in low permeable saline aquifers
Storing of supercritical carbon dioxide (sc-CO 2) in the saline aquifer is studied extensively
in the present work using numerical investigations. A mathematical model is developed and …
in the present work using numerical investigations. A mathematical model is developed and …
Anisotropic rate-dependent saturation functions for compositional simulation of sandstone composites
Determination of representative saturation functions for permeable reservoir sandstones
requires consideration of mm-cm scale laminations and crossbedding common in these …
requires consideration of mm-cm scale laminations and crossbedding common in these …
Three two‐dimensional approaches for simulating the water flow dynamics in a heterogeneous tile‐drained agricultural field in Denmark
Core Ideas Simulating water flow dynamics in a clayey subsurface drained agricultural field.
Three two‐dimensional models incorporating preferential water flow were used. All models …
Three two‐dimensional models incorporating preferential water flow were used. All models …
Quantification of the turning point saturation for cross bedded CO2 storage reservoirs
Cross bedding is a prominent sedimentary structure commonly found in fluvial and coastal to
shallow-marine sedimentary sequences, which are often considered for the geological CO 2 …
shallow-marine sedimentary sequences, which are often considered for the geological CO 2 …
Numerical investigations on the performance of sc-CO2 sequestration in heterogeneous deep saline aquifers under non-isothermal conditions
CO 2 sequestration in geological formations is an efficient step towards mitigating climate
change by reducing global warming. The CO 2 emitted from natural sources and …
change by reducing global warming. The CO 2 emitted from natural sources and …
A general analytical expression for pore size distribution based on probability theory
W Yan, R Cudmani - Engineering Geology, 2022 - Elsevier
The pore structure of soils and rocks plays a crucial role in geotechnical, geo-environmental
and geological engineering, as it dominates the hydro-mechanical behaviour, gas-and …
and geological engineering, as it dominates the hydro-mechanical behaviour, gas-and …
Conditions and processes controlling carbon mineral trap** in intraformational baffles
Carbon mineral trap** is commonly believed to be insignificant relative to other trap**
mechanisms, yet, the role of cm-scale intraformational baffles is rarely considered in …
mechanisms, yet, the role of cm-scale intraformational baffles is rarely considered in …
Role of capillary pressure on carbon dioxide sequestration: mathematical analysis
Geological disposal of CO2 after capturing the gas from large emitting sources is one of the
safest and most prominent methods to eliminate CO2 from the atmosphere and mitigate …
safest and most prominent methods to eliminate CO2 from the atmosphere and mitigate …
Numerical modeling of coal gas drainage in a three-dimensional framework
The underground coal mine is the largest source of methane generation in the mining
sector. Methane is produced from underground and surface mines as well as during post …
sector. Methane is produced from underground and surface mines as well as during post …