Annotated checklist of the birds of Brazil by the Brazilian Ornithological Records Committee—second edition
An updated version of the checklist of birds of Brazil is presented, along with a summary of
the changes approved by the Brazilian Ornithological Records Committee's Taxonomy …
the changes approved by the Brazilian Ornithological Records Committee's Taxonomy …
Using surrogate species and MaxEnt modeling to prioritize areas for conservation of a páramo bird community in a tropical high Andean biosphere reserve
The páramo grassland ecosystem in the high Andes requires definition of spatially explicit
and large-scale priorities for bird conservation, especially for lands outside of protected …
and large-scale priorities for bird conservation, especially for lands outside of protected …
[КНИГА][B] Field Guide to the birds of Argentina and the Southwest Atlantic
M Pearman, JI Areta - 2020 - books.google.com
The ultimate field guide to the birds of Argentina, an indispensable companion for any
traveller to the region. This spectacular field guide is the ultimate reference to the birds of …
traveller to the region. This spectacular field guide is the ultimate reference to the birds of …
Taguatagua 1: New insights into the late Pleistocene fauna, paleoenvironment, and human subsistence in a unique lacustrine context in central Chile
Abstract The Laguna de Tagua Tagua has yielded two important late Pleistocene
archaeological sites, Taguatagua 1 and Taguatagua 2, in which a clear early human …
archaeological sites, Taguatagua 1 and Taguatagua 2, in which a clear early human …
Sixty-second Supplement to the American Ornithological Society's Check-list of North American Birds
Changes in this supplement include the following:(1) 4 species (Columba palumbus,
Amazilis amazilia, Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus, and Helopsaltes certhiola) are added to the main …
Amazilis amazilia, Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus, and Helopsaltes certhiola) are added to the main …
Misidentifications in citizen science bias the phenological estimates of two hard‐to‐identify Elaenia flycatchers
FC Gorleri, JI Areta - Ibis, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Citizen science initiatives contain a large volume of observations that can be useful to
address ecological questions for a wide array of organisms. However, one limitation of …
address ecological questions for a wide array of organisms. However, one limitation of …
Checklist of the mammals (Mammalia) of Colombia
La actualización de la lista de especies presentes en un país es una tarea continua que
llena vacíos de información y apoya la toma de decisiones. En los últimos cinco años, ha …
llena vacíos de información y apoya la toma de decisiones. En los últimos cinco años, ha …
[HTML][HTML] Avian ecology and community structure across elevation gradients: The importance of high latitude temperate mountain habitats for conserving biodiversity in …
Mountains are excellent systems for studying biodiversity as they promote rapid species
turnover across relatively short elevational distances. Most research on biogeographic …
turnover across relatively short elevational distances. Most research on biogeographic …
Street design in suburban areas and its impact on bird communities: Considering different diversity facets over the year
Several studies have shown that suburban areas have higher bird diversity than non-urban
areas. Native vegetation cover, habitat complexity and socioeconomic variables of suburban …
areas. Native vegetation cover, habitat complexity and socioeconomic variables of suburban …
Phylogeny based on ultra-conserved elements clarifies the evolution of rails and allies (Ralloidea) and is the basis for a revised classification
Abstract The rails (Family Rallidae) are the most diverse and widespread group in the
Gruiformes. Their extensive fossil history, global geographic distribution, and tendency to …
Gruiformes. Their extensive fossil history, global geographic distribution, and tendency to …