Annotated checklist of the birds of Brazil by the Brazilian Ornithological Records Committee—second edition

JF Pacheco, LF Silveira, A Aleixo, CE Agne… - Ornithology …, 2021 - Springer
An updated version of the checklist of birds of Brazil is presented, along with a summary of
the changes approved by the Brazilian Ornithological Records Committee's Taxonomy …

Using surrogate species and MaxEnt modeling to prioritize areas for conservation of a páramo bird community in a tropical high Andean biosphere reserve

PX Astudillo, S Barros, D Mejía… - Arctic, Antarctic, and …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
The páramo grassland ecosystem in the high Andes requires definition of spatially explicit
and large-scale priorities for bird conservation, especially for lands outside of protected …

[КНИГА][B] Field Guide to the birds of Argentina and the Southwest Atlantic

M Pearman, JI Areta - 2020 -
The ultimate field guide to the birds of Argentina, an indispensable companion for any
traveller to the region. This spectacular field guide is the ultimate reference to the birds of …

Sixty-second Supplement to the American Ornithological Society's Check-list of North American Birds

RT Chesser, SM Billerman, KJ Burns, C Cicero… - The Auk, 2021 -
Changes in this supplement include the following:(1) 4 species (Columba palumbus,
Amazilis amazilia, Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus, and Helopsaltes certhiola) are added to the main …

Misidentifications in citizen science bias the phenological estimates of two hard‐to‐identify Elaenia flycatchers

FC Gorleri, JI Areta - Ibis, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Citizen science initiatives contain a large volume of observations that can be useful to
address ecological questions for a wide array of organisms. However, one limitation of …

Checklist of the mammals (Mammalia) of Colombia

H Ramírez-Chaves, DM Morales-Martínez… - Mammalogy …, 2021 -
La actualización de la lista de especies presentes en un país es una tarea continua que
llena vacíos de información y apoya la toma de decisiones. En los últimos cinco años, ha …

[HTML][HTML] Avian ecology and community structure across elevation gradients: The importance of high latitude temperate mountain habitats for conserving biodiversity in …

K Martin, TA Altamirano, DR de Zwaan, KG Hick… - Global Ecology and …, 2021 - Elsevier
Mountains are excellent systems for studying biodiversity as they promote rapid species
turnover across relatively short elevational distances. Most research on biogeographic …

Street design in suburban areas and its impact on bird communities: Considering different diversity facets over the year

LM Leveau, CM Leveau - Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2020 - Elsevier
Several studies have shown that suburban areas have higher bird diversity than non-urban
areas. Native vegetation cover, habitat complexity and socioeconomic variables of suburban …

Phylogeny based on ultra-conserved elements clarifies the evolution of rails and allies (Ralloidea) and is the basis for a revised classification

JJ Kirchman, N Rotzel McInerney, TC Giarla… - The Auk, 2021 -
Abstract The rails (Family Rallidae) are the most diverse and widespread group in the
Gruiformes. Their extensive fossil history, global geographic distribution, and tendency to …