[HTML][HTML] A CMIP6-based multi-model downscaling ensemble to underpin climate change services in Australia
A multi-scenario, multi-model ensemble of simulations from regional climate models is
outlined to provide the core data source for a set of climate projections and a climate change …
outlined to provide the core data source for a set of climate projections and a climate change …
[HTML][HTML] CHESS-SCAPE: high-resolution future projections of multiple climate scenarios for the United Kingdom derived from downscaled United Kingdom Climate …
EL Robinson, C Huntingford… - Earth System …, 2023 - essd.copernicus.org
In order to effectively model the potential impacts of future climate change, there is a
requirement for climate data inputs which (a) are of high spatial and temporal resolution,(b) …
requirement for climate data inputs which (a) are of high spatial and temporal resolution,(b) …
Scenario dependence of future precipitation changes across Japan in CMIP6
A bias-corrected downscaled 1-km mesh future climate dataset across Japan called
NIES2020, based on five global climate models (GCMs) selected from the Coupled Model …
NIES2020, based on five global climate models (GCMs) selected from the Coupled Model …
Emergent constraints on future changes in several climate variables and extreme indices from global to regional scales
Climate change impact modelling studies often require not only mean temperature and
precipitation but also other climate variables (eg, solar radiation and wind speed) and …
precipitation but also other climate variables (eg, solar radiation and wind speed) and …
石橋寛樹, 飯土井剛, 石神晴久, 森田大樹… - 土木学会論文集, 2023 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 東北地方の橋梁における種々の橋梁・環境・気象データを活用し, LightGBM
による機械学習を行うことで, 土砂化・アルカリ骨材反応・凍害の発生有無を判定する橋梁劣化発生 …
による機械学習を行うことで, 土砂化・アルカリ骨材反応・凍害の発生有無を判定する橋梁劣化発生 …
Grand Challenges in Earth Science: The Weather–Climate–Society Nexus over Northeast Asia
Russian Far East, comprising 300 million people (5% of the world population; Guo 2012).
With rapid population growth and social and economic development, human activities over …
With rapid population growth and social and economic development, human activities over …
[PDF][PDF] 気候変動影響評価のための共通気候・社会経済シナリオ
石崎紀子, 花崎直太, 塩竈秀夫, 高橋潔 - 地球環境, 2023 - airies.or.jp
摘要気候変動の影響は多岐にわたるが, 分野横断的な影響評価を行うためには,
共通の気候シナリオと社会経済シナリオを用いた研究が重要となる. 我々は …
共通の気候シナリオと社会経済シナリオを用いた研究が重要となる. 我々は …
[PDF][PDF] 地球温暖化が黒潮親潮混合域におけるサブメソスケール流動に及ぼす影響
ジンビチョン - oacis.repo.nii.ac.jp
黒潮親潮混合域は, 黒潮と親潮が合流し, 両方の海水が混在する海域である.
豊富な栄養塩を含んでいることから, 好漁場でありながら, 二酸化炭素吸収能力が高く …
豊富な栄養塩を含んでいることから, 好漁場でありながら, 二酸化炭素吸収能力が高く …