[SÁCH][B] Teaching and learning pragmatics: Where language and culture meet

N Ishihara, AD Cohen - 2014 - api.taylorfrancis.com
An understanding of sociocultural context is crucial in second language learning–yet
develo** this awareness often poses a real challenge to the typical language learner. This …

[SÁCH][B] Pragmatics: a resource book for students

J Cutting, K Fordyce - 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
Routledge English Language Introductions cover core areas of language study and are one-
stop resources for students. Assuming no prior knowledge, books in the series offer an …

[SÁCH][B] Pragmatika v češtině

M Hirschová - 2022 - books.google.com
Monografie Pragmatika v češtině se z hlediska českého jazyka zabývá jevy, pro které se v
lingvistice vžilo souhrnné označení „pragmatika “. Oproti 1. vydání (Olomouc 2006, již …

Conceptualising 'the relational'in pragmatics: Insights from metapragmatic emotion and (im) politeness comments

H Spencer-Oatey - Journal of Pragmatics, 2011 - Elsevier
Over the past few years, there has been an increased focus on 'the relational'in pragmatics.
However, different pragmatics scholars (eg Holmes and Marra, 2004; Locher and Watts …

[SÁCH][B] Pragmática del español: contexto, uso y variación

JC Félix-Brasdefer - 2018 - api.taylorfrancis.com
En este capítulo se presentan los conceptos fundamentales que el estudiante necesita para
iniciarse en el estudio fascinante de la pragmática, un campo de la lingüística que estudia el …

[SÁCH][B] Politeness in the history of English: From the Middle Ages to the present day

AH Jucker - 2020 - books.google.com
The concept of politeness permeates all aspects of modern life and society. However, to
what extent has this phenomenon changed over time? This book traces the elusive concept …

[PDF][PDF] Hassrede–von der Sprache zur Politik

J Meibauer - Hassrede/hate speech. Interdisziplinäre …, 2013 - jlupub.ub.uni-giessen.de
Unter Hate Speech–hier übersetzt mit „Hassrede “–wird im Allgemeinen der sprachliche
Ausdruck von Hass gegen Personen oder Gruppen verstanden, insbesondere durch die …

The sound of im/politeness

JA Caballero, N Vergis, X Jiang, MD Pell - Speech Communication, 2018 - Elsevier
Until recently, research on im/politeness has primarily focused on the role of linguistic
strategies while neglecting the contributions of prosody and acoustic cues for …

Im/politeness and in/civility: A neglected relationship?

M Sifianou - Journal of Pragmatics, 2019 - Elsevier
Recent approaches to im/politeness have emphasised the importance of lay understandings
of politeness and suggested that they should constitute the locus of attention in politeness …

Antagonism on YouTube

S Pihlaja - 2014 - torrossa.com
The YouTube community is diverse. On any given day, YouTube's most-viewed list is
populated by a hotchpotch of internet miscellanea: the home videos of a self-proclaimed …