Flap** and flexible wings for biological and micro air vehicles
W Shyy, M Berg, D Ljungqvist - Progress in aerospace sciences, 1999 - Elsevier
Micro air vehicles (MAVs) with wing spans of 15cm or less, and flight speed of 30–60kph are
of interest for military and civilian applications. There are two prominent features of MAV …
of interest for military and civilian applications. There are two prominent features of MAV …
Modern developments in flow control
M Gad-el-Hak - 1996 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
This brief article reviews the important advances in the field of flow control that took place
during the past few years. This broad area of research remains of great interest for its …
during the past few years. This broad area of research remains of great interest for its …
Separation control
M Gad-el-Hak, DM Bushnell - Journal of fluids engineering, 1991 - cir.nii.ac.jp
抄録< jats: p> Under certain conditions, wall-bounded flows separate. To improve the
performance of natural or man-made flow systems, it may be beneficial to delay or advance …
performance of natural or man-made flow systems, it may be beneficial to delay or advance …
Towards in-flight applications? A review on dielectric barrier discharge-based boundary-layer control
Active control of laminar boundary layers with dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma
actuators (PAs) has made considerable progress in the last 15 years. First pioneering …
actuators (PAs) has made considerable progress in the last 15 years. First pioneering …
Numerical simulations of plasma based flow control applications
I. Introduction ecent advances in the area of flow control have led to the application of new
flow control strategies to various flow fields. 1-3 One of the major areas for applications of …
flow control strategies to various flow fields. 1-3 One of the major areas for applications of …
Lift and the leading-edge vortex
CWP Ford, H Babinsky - Journal of fluid mechanics, 2013 - cambridge.org
Flap** wings often feature a leading-edge vortex (LEV) that is thought to enhance the lift
generated by the wing. Here the lift on a wing featuring a leading-edge vortex is considered …
generated by the wing. Here the lift on a wing featuring a leading-edge vortex is considered …
Aerohydrodynamics of flap**-wing propulsors
KV Rozhdestvensky, VA Ryzhov - Progress in aerospace sciences, 2003 - Elsevier
It is the objective of this survey to review research and development results of flap**-wing
propulsors and of vehicles equipped with them. Given the complex and multi-disciplinary …
propulsors and of vehicles equipped with them. Given the complex and multi-disciplinary …
Reynolds number effects in wall-bounded turbulent flows
M Gad-el-Hak, PR Bandyopadhyay - 1994 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
This paper reviews the state of the art of Reynolds number effects in wall-bounded shear-
flow turbulence, with particular emphasis on the canonical zero-pressure-gradient boundary …
flow turbulence, with particular emphasis on the canonical zero-pressure-gradient boundary …
The influence of near-wall density and viscosity gradients on turbulence in channel flows
The influence of near-wall density and viscosity gradients on near-wall turbulence in a
channel is studied by means of direct numerical simulation of the low-Mach-number …
channel is studied by means of direct numerical simulation of the low-Mach-number …
Separated shear layer transition over an airfoil at a low Reynolds number
Shear layer development over a NACA 0018 airfoil at a chord Reynolds number of 100000
was investigated using a combination of flow visualization, velocity field map**, surface …
was investigated using a combination of flow visualization, velocity field map**, surface …