Analyzing l1-loss and l2-loss Support Vector Machines Implemented in PERMON Toolbox

M Pecha, D Horák - AETA 2018-Recent Advances in Electrical …, 2020‏ - Springer
This paper deals with investigating l 1-loss and l 2-loss l 2-regularized Support Vector
Machines implemented in PermonSVM–a part of our PERMON toolbox. The loss functions …

Active set expansion strategies in MPRGP algorithm

J Kružík, D Horák, M Čermák, L Pospíšil… - Advances in Engineering …, 2020‏ - Elsevier
The paper investigates strategies for expansion of active set that can be employed by the
MPRGP algorithm. The standard MPRGP expansion uses a projected line search in the free …

Comparison of active-set and gradient projection-based algorithms for box-constrained quadratic programming

S Crisci, J Kružík, M Pecha, D Horák - Soft Computing, 2020‏ - Springer
This paper presents on four chosen benchmarks an experimental evidence of efficiency of
active-set-based algorithms and a gradient projection scheme exploiting Barzilai–Borwein …

Comparison of selected feti coarse space projector implementation strategies

J Kruzik, D Horak, V Hapla, M Cermak - Parallel Computing, 2020‏ - Elsevier
This paper deals with scalability improvements of the FETI (Finite Element Tearing and
Interconnecting) domain decomposition method solving elliptic PDEs. The main bottleneck …

[PDF][PDF] Sustainable Development Goals in Corporate Reporting: Investigating the Incorporation of SDGs with Multi-label Text Classification

PA Håkansson, W Lazarczyk‏ -
With the introduction of the 2015 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals,
companies aimed to enhance their corporate social responsibility initiatives, generating a …

[HTML][HTML] Non-Monotone Projected Gradient Method in Linear Elasticity Contact Problems with Given Friction

L Pospíšil, M Čermák, D Horák, J Kružík - Sustainability, 2020‏ -
We are focusing on the algorithms for solving the large-scale convex optimization problem in
linear elasticity contact problems discretized by Finite Element method (FEM). The …

Analyzing 11-loss and 12-loss Support Vector Machines Implemented

M Pecha, D Horák - AETA 2018-Recent Advances in Electrical …, 2019‏ -
This paper deals with investigating 11-loss and 12-loss 12-regularized Support Vector
Machines implemented in PermonSVM a part of our PERMON toolbox. The loss functions …

[CITATION][C] Extrakce významných rysů v obrazových scénách s využitím v klasifikačních technikách

V Dorňák - 2019‏ -
V rámci této bakalářské práci prozkoumáme metodu extrakce obrazových rysů zvanou Scale-
Invariant Feature Transform. Extrahované rysy využijeme k trénování a testování klasifikační …