Analyzing l1-loss and l2-loss Support Vector Machines Implemented in PERMON Toolbox
This paper deals with investigating l 1-loss and l 2-loss l 2-regularized Support Vector
Machines implemented in PermonSVM–a part of our PERMON toolbox. The loss functions …
Machines implemented in PermonSVM–a part of our PERMON toolbox. The loss functions …
Active set expansion strategies in MPRGP algorithm
The paper investigates strategies for expansion of active set that can be employed by the
MPRGP algorithm. The standard MPRGP expansion uses a projected line search in the free …
MPRGP algorithm. The standard MPRGP expansion uses a projected line search in the free …
Comparison of active-set and gradient projection-based algorithms for box-constrained quadratic programming
This paper presents on four chosen benchmarks an experimental evidence of efficiency of
active-set-based algorithms and a gradient projection scheme exploiting Barzilai–Borwein …
active-set-based algorithms and a gradient projection scheme exploiting Barzilai–Borwein …
Comparison of selected feti coarse space projector implementation strategies
This paper deals with scalability improvements of the FETI (Finite Element Tearing and
Interconnecting) domain decomposition method solving elliptic PDEs. The main bottleneck …
Interconnecting) domain decomposition method solving elliptic PDEs. The main bottleneck …
[PDF][PDF] Sustainable Development Goals in Corporate Reporting: Investigating the Incorporation of SDGs with Multi-label Text Classification
PA Håkansson, W Lazarczyk -
With the introduction of the 2015 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals,
companies aimed to enhance their corporate social responsibility initiatives, generating a …
companies aimed to enhance their corporate social responsibility initiatives, generating a …
[HTML][HTML] Non-Monotone Projected Gradient Method in Linear Elasticity Contact Problems with Given Friction
We are focusing on the algorithms for solving the large-scale convex optimization problem in
linear elasticity contact problems discretized by Finite Element method (FEM). The …
linear elasticity contact problems discretized by Finite Element method (FEM). The …
Analyzing 11-loss and 12-loss Support Vector Machines Implemented
This paper deals with investigating 11-loss and 12-loss 12-regularized Support Vector
Machines implemented in PermonSVM a part of our PERMON toolbox. The loss functions …
Machines implemented in PermonSVM a part of our PERMON toolbox. The loss functions …
[CITATION][C] Extrakce významných rysů v obrazových scénách s využitím v klasifikačních technikách
V Dorňák - 2019 -
V rámci této bakalářské práci prozkoumáme metodu extrakce obrazových rysů zvanou Scale-
Invariant Feature Transform. Extrahované rysy využijeme k trénování a testování klasifikační …
Invariant Feature Transform. Extrahované rysy využijeme k trénování a testování klasifikační …