From Andreev to Majorana bound states in hybrid superconductor–semiconductor nanowires
Inhomogeneous superconductors can host electronic excitations, known as Andreev bound
states (ABSs), below the superconducting energy gap. With the advent of topological …
states (ABSs), below the superconducting energy gap. With the advent of topological …
Retracted article: Quantized majorana conductance
Majorana zero-modes—a type of localized quasiparticle—hold great promise for topological
quantum computing. Tunnelling spectroscopy in electrical transport is the primary tool for …
quantum computing. Tunnelling spectroscopy in electrical transport is the primary tool for …
Majorana quasiparticles in condensed matter
R Aguado - La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, 2017 - Springer
In the space of less than one decade, the search for Majorana quasiparticles in condensed
matter has become one of the hottest topics in physics. The aim of this review is to provide a …
matter has become one of the hottest topics in physics. The aim of this review is to provide a …
Milestones toward Majorana-based quantum computing
We introduce a scheme for preparation, manipulation, and read out of Majorana zero modes
in semiconducting wires with mesoscopic superconducting islands. Our approach …
in semiconducting wires with mesoscopic superconducting islands. Our approach …
[HTML][HTML] Majorana nanowires for topological quantum computation
P Marra - Journal of Applied Physics, 2022 -
Majorana bound states are quasiparticle excitations localized at the boundaries of a
topologically nontrivial superconductor. They are zero-energy, charge-neutral, particle–hole …
topologically nontrivial superconductor. They are zero-energy, charge-neutral, particle–hole …
Majorana bound state in a coupled quantum-dot hybrid-nanowire system
Hybrid nanowires combining semiconductor and superconductor materials appear well
suited for the creation, detection, and control of Majorana bound states (MBSs). We …
suited for the creation, detection, and control of Majorana bound states (MBSs). We …
Ballistic Majorana nanowire devices
Majorana modes are zero-energy excitations of a topological superconductor that exhibit
non-Abelian statistics,–. Following proposals for their detection in a semiconductor nanowire …
non-Abelian statistics,–. Following proposals for their detection in a semiconductor nanowire …
Measuring Majorana nonlocality and spin structure with a quantum dot
Robust zero-bias transport anomalies in semiconducting nanowires with proximity-induced
superconductivity have been convincingly demonstrated in various experiments. While …
superconductivity have been convincingly demonstrated in various experiments. While …
Nonlocality of Majorana modes in hybrid nanowires
Spatial separation of Majorana zero modes distinguishes trivial from topological midgap
states and is key to topological protection in quantum computing applications. Although …
states and is key to topological protection in quantum computing applications. Although …
Hybridization at superconductor-semiconductor interfaces
Hybrid superconductor-semiconductor devices are currently one of the most promising
platforms for realizing Majorana zero modes. Their topological properties are controlled by …
platforms for realizing Majorana zero modes. Their topological properties are controlled by …