Unravelling the mysteries of cyber incivility: a systematic review and research agenda
D Shahwar, RL Dhar - International Journal of Conflict Management, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose The current digital work environment promoting a “constant-on” culture is a hotbed
for cyber incivility. Thus, there is a pressing need to understand its mechanisms. This study …
for cyber incivility. Thus, there is a pressing need to understand its mechanisms. This study …
Managing cyber incivility in digital workplaces: a systematic review and HR strategies
Purpose This study aims to address workplace cyber incivility in digital environments by
proposing human resource (HR) management strategies derived from a systematic review of …
proposing human resource (HR) management strategies derived from a systematic review of …
Scylla and Charybdis: The relationships between supervisor active and passive cyber incivility with job stress, work engagement, and turnover intentions
Cyber incivility (CI) is a prevalent form of workplace mistreatment with deleterious
consequences for individuals and organisations. Although research has established a clear …
consequences for individuals and organisations. Although research has established a clear …
A dynamic view of the Challenge-Hindrance Stressor Framework: A meta-analysis of daily diary studies
Are some daily job stressors good for employees? The challenge-hindrance stressor
framework (CHSF) attempts to shed light on this question by categorizing stressors …
framework (CHSF) attempts to shed light on this question by categorizing stressors …
Mind your language! how and when victims of email incivility from colleagues experience work-life conflict and emotional exhaustion
Recent years have seen an increase in the use of email for work-related matters. Although it
represents a convenient way to communicate, it can expose workers to the risk of being …
represents a convenient way to communicate, it can expose workers to the risk of being …
The Effect of Cyberbullying on Stress and Productivity of Remote Employees During COVID-19
The purpose of this study was to enhance our understanding of cyberbullying from a
conservation of resources perspective with the goal of advancing theory and providing …
conservation of resources perspective with the goal of advancing theory and providing …
Craft it if you cannot avoid it: Job crafting alleviates the detrimental effects of illegitimate tasks on employee health
F Jiang, Z Wang - Current Psychology, 2024 - Springer
Illegitimate tasks are destructive and unavoidable in the workplace. Although previous
research has demonstrated the negative impact of illegitimate tasks on employee health, we …
research has demonstrated the negative impact of illegitimate tasks on employee health, we …
Revenge or forgiveness? The dual-path mechanism of employee co** with experienced incivility from an attribution perspective
X Zhan, X Zhao, Y Guo, Z Li, X Qin - Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2024 - Springer
Studies on workplace incivility have typically posited that the targets of incivility respond in a
“tit-for-tat” manner. Moving beyond this dominant logic, we argue that in some cases, the …
“tit-for-tat” manner. Moving beyond this dominant logic, we argue that in some cases, the …
Predictors of work-related cyberaggression in a random sample of the Swedish working population
Purpose With greater numbers of employees using computer-mediated communication,
cyberaggression is becoming a more pressing problem for employees and their …
cyberaggression is becoming a more pressing problem for employees and their …
“It's All in a Good Night's Sleep”: Examining the Meta-Analytic Relationship Between Sleep and Cyberbullying Perpetration
CP Barlett, T Attebury - Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & …, 2025 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT A burgeoning amount of empirical research has focused on the variables and
psychological processes that predict cyberbullying perpetration. One variable that has …
psychological processes that predict cyberbullying perpetration. One variable that has …