Road traffic prediction based on feed forward and radial basis function neural network
The management of traffic congestion on public roads is a critical factor in economic growth.
Congestion has a significant impact on travel time, causing delays that cost billions of dollars …
Congestion has a significant impact on travel time, causing delays that cost billions of dollars …
IEEE 802.11 p performance enhancement based on Markov chain and neural networks for safety applications
Vehicular communication is recently considered as one of the key future technology to
improve the safety of vehicles, the efficiency of traffic and the comfort for both drivers and …
improve the safety of vehicles, the efficiency of traffic and the comfort for both drivers and …
Enhanced Cross Layer and Secure Architecture for Connected Vehicles
F Chbib - 2021 - theses.hal.science
Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks, known as VANETs, are deployed to minimize the risk of road
accidents as well as to improve passengers comfort. This thesis deals with the problem of …
accidents as well as to improve passengers comfort. This thesis deals with the problem of …
[PDF][PDF] IEEE 802.11 p Performance Analysis and Enhancement based on Markov Chain and Neural Networks for Safety Applications
Vehicular communication is recently considered as one of the key future technology to
improve the safety of vehicles, efficiency of traffic and comfort for both drivers and …
improve the safety of vehicles, efficiency of traffic and comfort for both drivers and …