[PDF][PDF] New combinatorial proofs for enumeration problems and random anchored structures

A Haupt - 2021 - tore.tuhh.de
This thesis is divided into four parts. We present a combinatorial proof of Selberg's integral
formula, which answers a question posed by Stanley. In the second part we enumerate S …

A better lower bound for Lower-Left Anchored Rectangle Packing

R Hoeksma, M Maat - arxiv preprint arxiv:2102.05747, 2021 - arxiv.org
Given any set of points $ S $ in the unit square that contains the origin, does a set of axis
aligned rectangles, one for each point in $ S $, exist, such that each of them has a point in …

Matching and packing problems–optimization under uncertainty in theory and practice

L Nölke - 2023 - media.suub.uni-bremen.de
When solving optimization problems that arise from real-world decision-making processes,
uncertainty is a ubiquitous phenomenon that poses a significant obstacle. More often than …

On greedily packing anchored rectangles

C Damerius, D Kaaser, P Kling, F Schneider - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2021 - arxiv.org
Consider a set P of points in the unit square U, one of them being the origin. For each point p
in P you may draw a rectangle in U with its lower-left corner in p. What is the maximum area …

Greedy algorithms for anchored rectangle packings

MT Maat - 2020 - essay.utwente.nl
A lower-left anchored rectangle packing of a finite set of points S (including the origin) in the
unit square is a set of axis-aligned rectangles in the unit square such that no two rectangles …

[CITATA][C] Matching and Packing Problems

O under Uncertainty