[HTML][HTML] COVID-19's impact on higher education: A rapid review of early reactive literature
MA Khan - Education sciences, 2021 - mdpi.com
This rapid systematic review aims to examine emerging evidence on the effects of COVID-19
on educational institutions and assess the prevalence of e-learning changes in the sector …
on educational institutions and assess the prevalence of e-learning changes in the sector …
Supporting students during the transition to university in COVID-19: Five key considerations and recommendations for educators
As coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) continues to disrupt pretertiary education
provision and examinations in the United Kingdom, urgent consideration must be given to …
provision and examinations in the United Kingdom, urgent consideration must be given to …
Exploring the factors influencing the adoption and usage of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality applications in tourism education within the context of COVID-19 …
S Shen, K Xu, M Sotiriadis, Y Wang - Journal of hospitality, leisure, sport & …, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are regarded as smart and digital
technologies that made their impact in many industries and settings. On the other hand, the …
technologies that made their impact in many industries and settings. On the other hand, the …
[PDF][PDF] A literature review of E-learning and E-teaching in the era of Covid-19 pandemic
Z Mseleku - 2020 - academia.edu
The emergence of Covid-19 pandemic undoubtedly resulted in devastating socio-economic
challenges across the world. In attempt to manage the contagion, many countries have …
challenges across the world. In attempt to manage the contagion, many countries have …
COVID-19 and higher education: First-year students' expectations toward distance learning
The article deals with distance education, which as a teaching method had to be suddenly
introduced in schools and higher education institutions as a result of the global pandemic …
introduced in schools and higher education institutions as a result of the global pandemic …
[HTML][HTML] Students' acceptance of the COVID-19 impact on shifting higher education to distance learning in Poland
This paper is dedicated to the higher education institutions shifting towards distance
learning processes due to the global pandemic situation caused by COVID-19 in 2020. The …
learning processes due to the global pandemic situation caused by COVID-19 in 2020. The …
[HTML][HTML] The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quality of educational process: A student survey
The paper presents the results of a students' survey carried out at “Vasile Alecsandri”
University of Bacau, Romania, on the quality of educational process on online platforms in …
University of Bacau, Romania, on the quality of educational process on online platforms in …
Teachers' experiences of teaching online during COVID-19: implications for postpandemic professional development
C González, D Ponce, V Fernández - Educational technology research …, 2023 - Springer
As a result of the Great Online Transition (GOT) that occurred during COVID-19, it is
increasingly necessary to understand the digital competencies that are required for online …
increasingly necessary to understand the digital competencies that are required for online …
University students' sense of coherence, future worries and mental health: findings from the German COVID-HL-survey
Early-on in the COVID-19 pandemic when universities were closed as part of the nation-
wide public health response to the COVID-19 outbreak, studying and student life …
wide public health response to the COVID-19 outbreak, studying and student life …
Student support as social network: Exploring non-traditional student experiences of academic and wellbeing support during the Covid-19 pandemic
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a global crisis in higher education, affecting all aspects
of university work and practices. This article focuses on student experiences, in particular by …
of university work and practices. This article focuses on student experiences, in particular by …