[HTML][HTML] Modelling relationships between land use and water quality using statistical methods: A critical and applied review

KA Locke - Journal of Environmental Management, 2024 - Elsevier
Land use/land cover (LULC) can have significant impacts on water quality and the health of
aquatic ecosystems. Consequently, understanding and quantifying the nature of these …

Using forty years of research to view Bahía Almirante on the caribbean coast of Panama as an integrated social-ecological system

R Collin, AE Adelson, AH Altieri, KE Clark… - Estuarine, Coastal and …, 2024 - Elsevier
Tropical coastal systems play a vital role in sustaining biodiversity, performing ecological
functions, and providing ecosystem services. They are also home to 75% of people in the …

[PDF][PDF] Relationship between landscape and river ecosystem services

M Dede, S Sunardi, KC Lam, S Withaningsih - Global Journal of Environmental …, 2023 - sid.ir
3Master Program on Sustainability Science, Postgraduate School, Universitas Padjadjaran,
Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia andscape dynamics are a consequence of population …

Seasonal hypoxia and temperature inversions in a tropical bay

AE Adelson, AH Altieri, X Boza, R Collin… - Limnology and …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Dissolved oxygen (DO) is a critically important ecological variable, and the prevalence of
marine hypoxia is expected to increase due to the combined effects of ocean warming and …

Coral Community Composition Linked to Hypoxia Exposure

NM Lucey, C César‐Ávila, A Eckert… - Global Change …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Tropical reef ecosystems are strongly influenced by the composition of coral species, but the
factors influencing coral diversity and distributions are not fully understood. Here we …

Decreases in mangrove productivity and marsh die-off due to temporary increase in salinity, a case in Mexico

H López Rosas, VE Espejel González… - Hydrobiologia, 2023 - Springer
Mangroves are coastal ecosystems dependent on saline water conditions, although
freshwater is seasonally present in most types of mangroves. The riparian mangroves have …

[HTML][HTML] The impact of land cover on selected water quality parameters in polish lowland streams during the non-vegetative period

M Łaszewski, M Fedorczyk, K Stępniewski - Water, 2022 - mdpi.com
The search for the best landscape predictors explaining the spatial variability of stream
water chemistry is one of the most important and recent research issues. Thus, in the current …

Used macroinvertebrates as bioindicators to compare water quality from different land uses in Watumokala and Nokambu Rivers, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

K KAHIRUN, B BASRUDIN, S LA ODE… - Biodiversitas Journal of …, 2023 - smujo.id
Kahirun, Basrudin, Siwi LO, Indriyani L, Bana S, Sudia LB, Erif LOM, Midi LO, Maulina N,
Jamaluddin N. 2023. Used macroinvertebrates as bioindicators to compare water quality …

Are passive collectors effective samplers of microbes in natural aquatic systems?

K Saltonstall, J Delgado, M Vargas… - Frontiers in Freshwater …, 2024 - frontiersin.org
Biodiversity surveys of aquatic systems often include DNA metabarcoding analyses of
environmental samples that are collected through filtration of large volumes of water. The …

[PDF][PDF] Land usage/land cover variation at a bridged section of Ikpoba river in Benin city, mid western Nigeria

NO Obayagbona, O Odigie - Journal of Bioresources and …, 2025 - researchgate.net
A leading cause of land use and land cover changes is human population growth as well as
urbanization. This study aimed at identifying the changes in land use and land cover around …