Corporate social responsibility and institutional theory: New perspectives on private governance

S Brammer, G Jackson, D Matten - Socio-economic review, 2012 -
Abstract Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a pervasive topic in the
business literature, but has largely neglected the role of institutions. This introductory article …

“Implicit” and “explicit” CSR: A conceptual framework for a comparative understanding of corporate social responsibility

D Matten, J Moon - Academy of management Review, 2008 -
We address the question of how and why corporate social responsibility (CSR) differs
among countries and how and why it changes. Applying two schools of thought in …

The rise of project network organizations: Building core teams and flexible partner pools for interorganizational projects

S Manning - Research Policy, 2017 - Elsevier
This study shifts attention from project-based firms (PBFs) to project network organizations
(PNOs) as increasingly important interorganizational contexts of project collaboration. As a …

Transnational power and translocal governance: The politics of corporate responsibility

SB Banerjee - Human relations, 2018 -
In this article, I provide a critical analysis of the politics of corporate social responsibility. I
argue that corporate social responsibility is a strategy that enables multinational …

[КНИГА][B] International human resource management

C Brewster, E Houldsworth, P Sparrow, G Vernon - 2016 -
International Human Resource Management is a critically engaging and student friendly
textbook for International HRM modules at all levels, including the CIPD Level 7 Advanced …

Twenty-five years of business systems research and lessons for international business studies

MB Rana, G Morgan - International Business Review, 2019 - Elsevier
Since 1992, the national business systems (NBS) approach has been increasingly used to
analyse not only firm characteristics, structures and strategies within NBS, but also the …

Antecedents of settlement on a new institutional practice: Negotiation of the ISO 26000 standard on social responsibility

WS Helms, C Oliver, K Webb - Academy of Management Journal, 2012 -
In contrast to theory and research on institutionalized forms, less attention has been given to
the creation of new institutional practices and arrangements. Researchers have recently …

Liability of foreignness, natural disasters, and corporate philanthropy

MA Mithani - Journal of International Business Studies, 2017 - Springer
This study examines how philanthropy can mitigate liability of foreignness (LOF) in the
aftermath of a national disaster. A major disaster restructures the social landscape, creating …

Negotiating as institutional work: The case of labour standards and international framework agreements

M Helfen, J Sydow - Organization Studies, 2013 -
Although institutional work has recently attracted considerable attention from organization
research, there is a surprising neglect of inter-organizational negotiations as a form of …

Chinese multinational firms in Asia and Africa: Relationships with institutional actors and patterns of HRM practices

FL Cooke - Human Resource Management, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Interest in the internationalization of Chinese firms has soared in recent years. However,
studies that compare Chinese multinational corporations (MNCs) in different industries and …