Early life adversity as a risk factor for cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease
Neurological conditions, including cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease (AD),
impose a huge burden on society, affecting millions of people globally. In addition to genetic …
impose a huge burden on society, affecting millions of people globally. In addition to genetic …
Early life exposure to unpredictable parental sensory signals shapes cognitive development across three species
Exposure to early life adversity has long term consequences on cognitive function. Most
research has focused on understanding components of early life adversities that contribute …
research has focused on understanding components of early life adversities that contribute …
[HTML][HTML] Early stress-induced impaired microglial pruning of excitatory synapses on immature CRH-expressing neurons provokes aberrant adult stress responses
Several mental illnesses, characterized by aberrant stress reactivity, often arise after early-
life adversity (ELA). However, it is unclear how ELA affects stress-related brain circuit …
life adversity (ELA). However, it is unclear how ELA affects stress-related brain circuit …
[HTML][HTML] Early life stress impairs synaptic pruning in the develo** hippocampus
Early life adversity impairs normal hippocampal function and connectivity in various
mammalian species, including humans and rodents. According to the 'cumulative model'the …
mammalian species, including humans and rodents. According to the 'cumulative model'the …
Enduring disruption of reward and stress circuit activities by early-life adversity in male rats
In humans, early-life adversity (ELA) such as trauma, poverty, and chaotic environment is
linked to increased risk of later-life emotional disorders including depression and substance …
linked to increased risk of later-life emotional disorders including depression and substance …
The QUIC-SP: a Spanish language tool assessing unpredictability in early life is linked to physical and mental Health
Accumulating evidence indicates that unpredictable signals in early life represent a unique
form of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) associated with disrupted …
form of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) associated with disrupted …
[HTML][HTML] REST is not resting: REST/NRSF in health and disease
Chromatin modifications play a crucial role in the regulation of gene expression. The
repressor element-1 (RE1) silencing transcription factor (REST), also known as neuron …
repressor element-1 (RE1) silencing transcription factor (REST), also known as neuron …
[HTML][HTML] Resource scarcity but not maternal separation provokes unpredictable maternal care sequences in mice and both upregulate Crh-associated gene …
Early life adversity (ELA) is a major risk factor for the development of pathology, including
anxiety disorders. Neurodevelopmental and behavioral outcomes following ELA are …
anxiety disorders. Neurodevelopmental and behavioral outcomes following ELA are …
Early life adversity across different cell-types in the brain
Early life adversity (ELA)-which includes physical, psychological, emotional, and sexual
abuse is one of the most common predictors to diverse psychopathologies later in …
abuse is one of the most common predictors to diverse psychopathologies later in …
Across ages and places: Unpredictability of maternal sensory signals and child internalizing behaviors
Background Patterns of sensory inputs early in life play an integral role in sha** the
maturation of neural circuits, including those implicated in emotion and cognition. In both …
maturation of neural circuits, including those implicated in emotion and cognition. In both …