A systematic survey of control techniques and applications in connected and automated vehicles
Vehicle control is one of the most critical challenges in autonomous vehicles (AVs) and
connected and automated vehicles (CAVs), and it is paramount in vehicle safety, passenger …
connected and automated vehicles (CAVs), and it is paramount in vehicle safety, passenger …
A survey on deep visual place recognition
In recent years visual place recognition (VPR), ie, the problem of recognizing the location of
images, has received considerable attention from multiple research communities, spanning …
images, has received considerable attention from multiple research communities, spanning …
A review of recurrent neural network based camera localization for indoor environments
Camera localization involves the estimation of the camera pose of an image from a random
scene. We used a single image or sequence of images or videos as the input. The output …
scene. We used a single image or sequence of images or videos as the input. The output …
SFD2: Semantic-guided feature detection and description
Visual localization is a fundamental task for various applications including autonomous
driving and robotics. Prior methods focus on extracting large amounts of often redundant …
driving and robotics. Prior methods focus on extracting large amounts of often redundant …
Bridging the domain gap for multi-agent perception
Existing multi-agent perception algorithms usually select to share deep neural features
extracted from raw sensing data between agents, achieving a trade-off between accuracy …
extracted from raw sensing data between agents, achieving a trade-off between accuracy …
Pwclo-net: Deep lidar odometry in 3d point clouds using hierarchical embedding mask optimization
A novel 3D point cloud learning model for deep LiDAR odometry, named PWCLO-Net, using
hierarchical embedding mask optimization is proposed in this paper. In this model, the …
hierarchical embedding mask optimization is proposed in this paper. In this model, the …
Hierarchical attention learning of scene flow in 3d point clouds
Scene flow represents the 3D motion of every point in the dynamic environments. Like the
optical flow that represents the motion of pixels in 2D images, 3D motion representation of …
optical flow that represents the motion of pixels in 2D images, 3D motion representation of …
Efficient 3d deep lidar odometry
An efficient 3D point cloud learning architecture, named EfficientLO-Net, for LiDAR odometry
is first proposed in this article. In this architecture, the projection-aware representation of the …
is first proposed in this article. In this architecture, the projection-aware representation of the …
Segloc: Learning segmentation-based representations for privacy-preserving visual localization
Inspired by properties of semantic segmentation, in this paper we investigate how to
leverage robust image segmentation in the context of privacy-preserving visual localization …
leverage robust image segmentation in the context of privacy-preserving visual localization …
Efficient deep-learning 4d automotive radar odometry method
Odometry is a crucial technology for the autonomous positioning of intelligent vehicles.
While estimating the odometry from LiDAR and cameras has progressed recently, it remains …
While estimating the odometry from LiDAR and cameras has progressed recently, it remains …