Specialty preferences of studying-abroad medical students from low-and middle-income countries

W Li, RM Gillies, C Liu, C Wu, J Chen, X Zhang… - BMC Medical …, 2023 - Springer
Background This study explored the specialty preferences of China-educated international
medical students (IMSs), who are mainly from low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) and …

Role of basic sciences in making of a clinician: Perspectives of medical students from North India

S Yograj, AN Bhat, RK Gupta, G Gupta… - Journal of education …, 2019 - journals.lww.com
BACKGROUND: Advances in scientific research necessitates updating of the curriculum and
the Medical Council of India now Board of Governors have proposed a new competency …

Training of young medical professionals: implementation of modern training concepts, taking into account the changed framework conditions for training—a pilot …

S Findeklee, BH Hamoud, K Diedrich, RM Sima… - Archives of Gynecology …, 2024 - Springer
Introduction For years, generations of medical students have complained that practice-
oriented learning is neglected in medical studies. Further training assistants also complain …

[PDF][PDF] To study medical students' perspective on rising violence against doctors. Do they consider obstetrics and gynecology a risky branch

R Sood, G Singh, PK Arora - Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol, 2017 - academia.edu
Background: In recent years, there has been an epidemic of violence against health
professional in many nations including India. The Indian Medical Association (IMA) has …

[PDF][PDF] Subject preference for future specialization among undergraduate medical students and their perception towards community medicine as a career option: a …

B Sengupta, R Das, S Das - Int J Community Med Public Health, 2019 - researchgate.net
Background: India is currently in need of large number of public health specialists to combat
the double burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases. But it was seen that …

[PDF][PDF] Perception of community medicine as a specialty of choice among clinical medical students in a Nigerian University: Any remedies

BN Egenti, OR Abana, HN Chineke… - British Journal of …, 2016 - researchgate.net
ABSTRACT Background: Community Medicine is the study of health and disease in a
population of a defined community. Insights into the attitude of clinical medical students …

[PDF][PDF] Impact of duration of psychiatry rotation on medical interns' attitude towards psychiatry.

S Reddy, P Reddy, K Mishra - Open Journal of …, 2017 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Abstract Background: Medical Council of India allowed the interns to take up an extra 15
days of elective posting in psychiatry along with the mandatory posting of 15 days. The study …

What do the MBBS undergraduates think about the subject of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology? A survey-basedevaluation of perception

RK Vidua, A Pakhare, S Patel… - Journal of Indian …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
It is a very common point of discussion among the Forensic specialists that whether the
MBBS students do have interest in the subject of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology and some …


CJOYH HUTAURUK - 2017 - digilib.unila.ac.id
Latar belakang: Pengembangan sumber daya manusia untuk tenaga medis menjadi salah
satu dari delapan fokus prioritas rencana pengembangan tenaga kesehatan di Indonesia …

[PDF][PDF] Training of Young Medical Professionals: Implementation of Modern Training Concepts Under Consideration of Changing Conditions for Training-A Pilot Project …

S Findeklee, EF Solomayer, C Spüntrup - Clin Surg. 2021; 6 - clinicsinsurgery.com
Background: Operative novices complain about deficits in practical operative education.
Simulated training offers perspectives for an effective education tool. In a former study we …