[HTML][HTML] Structural, thermal, optical, and mechanical properties of composite films developed from the button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus)-sourced high molecular …
Films were fabricated using the button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) sourced high
molecular weight chitosan with or without potato starch using the casting method. Glycerol …
molecular weight chitosan with or without potato starch using the casting method. Glycerol …
[PDF][PDF] Optimization of Mechanical, Optical, Barrier and Bioactive Properties of Edible Films from Tomato Puree, Tomato Peels and Moringa Leaf Extract
Edible films are desired due to their eco-friendliness, opportunity for active substance
delivery, and excellent alternatives to conventional packaging. This study was designed to …
delivery, and excellent alternatives to conventional packaging. This study was designed to …
[HTML][HTML] Influence of malting and fermentation on the nutritional composition, thermal stability, structural and physicochemical properties of a gluten-free flour blend of …
Childhood malnutrition is one of the major public health challenges in low-and middle-
income countries. In this study, fonio and date flour blends were prepared and the effect of …
income countries. In this study, fonio and date flour blends were prepared and the effect of …
Photocatalytic degradation of metronidazole using zinc oxide nanoparticles supported on acha waste
The presence of emerging pollutants like pharmaceutical compounds in the environment is
currently an issue of concern. Pharmaceutical compounds often escape conventional …
currently an issue of concern. Pharmaceutical compounds often escape conventional …
Microstructural and physicochemical properties of biodegradable films developed from false banana (Ensete ventricosum) starch
The recent trend in starch research is the exploration of potential applications of starches
from under-utilized sources. Properties of edible biodegradable films developed from ensete …
from under-utilized sources. Properties of edible biodegradable films developed from ensete …
Edible Biopolymers from Marine Algae used as an Alternate Packaging material: A Review on their characteristics and properties
SU Subhalakshmi - Journal of Advanced Applied Scientific …, 2023 - mail.joaasr.com
Food packaging is estimated to account for two-thirds of all plastic waste. As a result, it is
crucial to discover alternative packaging materials that are both environmentally friendly and …
crucial to discover alternative packaging materials that are both environmentally friendly and …
[ספר][B] Characterizing Fonio Production Across Scales: Interdisciplinary Insights from a Local Field Trial and a Sco** Review
A Dingus - 2022 - search.proquest.com
As the changing climate places new stressors on agricultural production, novel and adaptive
management practices that provide resistance or resilience are needed to overcome these …
management practices that provide resistance or resilience are needed to overcome these …
[HTML][HTML] Influence of Ulluco Starch Modified by Annealing on the Physicochemical Properties of Biodegradable Films
This work aimed to evaluate the use of annealing (ANN) ulluco starch in the preparation of
biodegradable films and its impact on the physicochemical properties of the materials. Three …
biodegradable films and its impact on the physicochemical properties of the materials. Three …
Obtención y caracterización de biopelículas comestibles para recubrir alimentos a partir de mucílago de nopal (Opuntia ficus indica) y almidón de oca (Oxalis …
DE Peralta Guevara - 2022 - repositorio.unsaac.edu.pe
En la actualidad la formulación y preparación de materiales biodegradables en la industria
alimentaria es un reto, debido a que permite minimizar los impactos ambientales y reducir el …
alimentaria es un reto, debido a que permite minimizar los impactos ambientales y reducir el …
[PDF][PDF] Applied Food Research
OV Obayomi, AF Olaniran, SO Owa - researchgate.net
Childhood malnutrition is one of the major public health challenges in low-and middle-
income countries. In this study, fonio and date flour blends were prepared and the effect of …
income countries. In this study, fonio and date flour blends were prepared and the effect of …