The physiological and genetic basis of combined drought and heat tolerance in wheat
PJ Tricker, A ElHabti, J Schmidt… - Journal of experimental …, 2018 - academic.oup.com
Drought and heat stress cause losses in wheat productivity in major growing regions
worldwide, and both the occurrence and the severity of these events are likely to increase …
worldwide, and both the occurrence and the severity of these events are likely to increase …
The game of timing: circadian rhythms intersect with changing environments
K Laosuntisuk, E Elorriaga… - Annual Review of Plant …, 2023 - annualreviews.org
Recurring patterns are an integral part of life on Earth. Through evolution or breeding, plants
have acquired systems that coordinate with the cyclic patterns driven by Earth's movement …
have acquired systems that coordinate with the cyclic patterns driven by Earth's movement …
Dynamic leaf energy balance: deriving stomatal conductance from thermal imaging in a dynamic environment
In spite of the significant progress made in recent years, the use of thermography to derive
biologically relevant traits remains a challenge under fluctuating conditions. The aim of this …
biologically relevant traits remains a challenge under fluctuating conditions. The aim of this …
Quantification and prediction of nighttime evapotranspiration for two distinct grassland ecosystems
J Groh, T Pütz, HH Gerke… - Water Resources …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Evapotranspiration (ET) is, after precipitation, the second largest flux at the land surface in
the water cycle and occurs mainly during daytime. Less attention has been given to water …
the water cycle and occurs mainly during daytime. Less attention has been given to water …
Root water uptake under heterogeneous soil moisture conditions: an experimental study for unraveling compensatory root water uptake and hydraulic redistribution
Aims Plant roots often encounter heterogeneity in soil water content and respond by
compensating water uptake from wet zones to cope with the transpiration demand …
compensating water uptake from wet zones to cope with the transpiration demand …
Potential involvement of root auxins in drought tolerance by modulating nocturnal and daytime water use in wheat
Abstract Background and Aims The ability of wheat genotypes to save water by reducing
their transpiration rate (TR) at times of the day with high vapour pressure deficit (VPD) has …
their transpiration rate (TR) at times of the day with high vapour pressure deficit (VPD) has …
Nighttime transpirational cooling enabled by circadian regulation of stomatal conductance is related to stomatal anatomy and leaf morphology in rice
Q Zhang, Y Yang, S Peng, Y Li - Planta, 2021 - Springer
Main conclusion Rice genotypes with larger stomata maintain higher nocturnal stomatal
conductance, thus having lower nocturnal leaf temperature via transpirational cooling …
conductance, thus having lower nocturnal leaf temperature via transpirational cooling …
Nocturnal transpiration in field crops: Implications for temporal aggregation and diurnal weighing of vapor pressure deficit
Daytime transpiration is driven by evaporative demand (vapor pressure deficit, VPD) and
radiative energy, dominantly accounting for daily transpiration (T). Recent modeling …
radiative energy, dominantly accounting for daily transpiration (T). Recent modeling …
Sleep tight and wake-up early: nocturnal transpiration traits to increase wheat drought tolerance in a Mediterranean environment
In wheat, night-time transpiration rate (TRN) could amount to 14–55% of daytime
transpiration rate (TR), depending on the cultivar and environment. Recent evidence …
transpiration rate (TR), depending on the cultivar and environment. Recent evidence …
Nocturnal stomatal conductance in wheat is growth‐stage specific and shows genotypic variation
Nocturnal stomatal conductance (gsn) represents a significant source of water loss, with
implications for metabolism, thermal regulation and water‐use efficiency. With increasing …
implications for metabolism, thermal regulation and water‐use efficiency. With increasing …