A comprehensive survey on full-duplex communication: Current solutions, future trends, and open issues
Full-duplex (FD) communication is a potential game changer for future wireless networks. It
allows for simultaneous transmit and receive operations over the same frequency band, a …
allows for simultaneous transmit and receive operations over the same frequency band, a …
Safeguarding next-generation multiple access using physical layer security techniques: A tutorial
Driven by the ever-increasing requirements of ultrahigh spectral efficiency, ultralow latency,
and massive connectivity, the forefront of wireless research calls for the design of advanced …
and massive connectivity, the forefront of wireless research calls for the design of advanced …
A survey on multiple-antenna techniques for physical layer security
As a complement to high-layer encryption techniques, physical layer security has been
widely recognized as a promising way to enhance wireless security by exploiting the …
widely recognized as a promising way to enhance wireless security by exploiting the …
A survey of optimization approaches for wireless physical layer security
Due to the malicious attacks in wireless networks, physical layer security has attracted
increasing concerns from both academia and industry. The research on physical layer …
increasing concerns from both academia and industry. The research on physical layer …
A comprehensive survey on cooperative relaying and jamming strategies for physical layer security
Physical layer security (PLS) has been extensively explored as an alternative to
conventional cryptographic schemes for securing wireless links. Many studies have shown …
conventional cryptographic schemes for securing wireless links. Many studies have shown …
Principles of physical layer security in multiuser wireless networks: A survey
This paper provides a comprehensive review of the domain of physical layer security in
multiuser wireless networks. The essential premise of physical layer security is to enable the …
multiuser wireless networks. The essential premise of physical layer security is to enable the …
Spectral sensitivity near exceptional points as a resource for hardware encryption
The spectral sensitivity near exceptional points (EPs) has been recently explored as an
avenue for building sensors with enhanced sensitivity. However, to date, it is not clear …
avenue for building sensors with enhanced sensitivity. However, to date, it is not clear …
Optimal relay selection for physical-layer security in cooperative wireless networks
In this paper, we explore the physical-layer security in cooperative wireless networks with
multiple relays where both amplify-and-forward (AF) and decode-and-forward (DF) protocols …
multiple relays where both amplify-and-forward (AF) and decode-and-forward (DF) protocols …
Improving physical layer secrecy using full-duplex jamming receivers
This paper studies secrecy rate optimization in a wireless network with a single-antenna
source, a multi-antenna destination and a multi-antenna eavesdropper. This is an …
source, a multi-antenna destination and a multi-antenna eavesdropper. This is an …
Enhancing physical-layer secrecy in multiantenna wireless systems: An overview of signal processing approaches
This article provides an overview of the signal processing techniques used to enhance
secrecy in the physical layer of multiantenna wireless communication systems. Motivated by …
secrecy in the physical layer of multiantenna wireless communication systems. Motivated by …