Reputation and reciprocity

C **a, J Wang, M Perc, Z Wang - Physics of life reviews, 2023 - Elsevier
Reputation and reciprocity are key mechanisms for cooperation in human societies, often
going hand in hand to favor prosocial behavior over selfish actions. Here we review recent …

Religiosity predicts prosociality, especially when measured by self-report: A meta-analysis of almost 60 years of research.

JM Kelly, SR Kramer, AF Shariff - Psychological bulletin, 2024 -
This meta-analysis explores the long-standing and heavily debated question of whether
religiosity is associated with prosocial and antisocial behavior at the individual level. In an …

The i-frame and the s-frame: How focusing on individual-level solutions has led behavioral public policy astray

N Chater, G Loewenstein - Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2023 -
An influential line of thinking in behavioral science, to which the two authors have long
subscribed, is that many of society's most pressing problems can be addressed cheaply and …

AI-based chatbots in conversational commerce and their effects on product and price perceptions

J Sidlauskiene, Y Joye, V Auruskeviciene - Electronic Markets, 2023 - Springer
The rise of AI-based chatbots has gradually changed the way consumers shop. Natural
language processing (NLP) technology and artificial intelligence (AI) are likely to accelerate …

The dark side of artificial intelligence in service: The “watching-eye” effect and privacy concerns

Y Hu, HK Min - International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2023 - Elsevier
The potential privacy issues associated with artificial intelligence (AI) in service delivery
require careful attention but remain understudied. Through the lens of the watching-eye …

Social desirability in environmental psychology research: Three meta-analyses

S Vesely, CA Klöckner - Frontiers in psychology, 2020 -
That social desirability might be a confounder of people's survey responses regarding
environmental actions has been discussed for a long time. To produce evidence for or …

Humanizing brands: When brands seem to be like me, part of me, and in a relationship with me

DJ MacInnis, VS Folkes - Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2017 - Elsevier
We review a growing body of research in consumer behavior that has examined when
consumers humanize brands by perceiving them as like, part of, or in a relationship with …

[Књига][B] A natural history of human morality

M Tomasello - 2016 -
Winner of the Eleanor Maccoby Book Award in Developmental Psychology, American
Psychological Association Winner of a PROSE Award, Association of American Publishers …

The cultural evolution of prosocial religions

A Norenzayan, AF Shariff, WM Gervais… - Behavioral and brain …, 2016 -
We develop a cultural evolutionary theory of the origins of prosocial religions and apply it to
resolve two puzzles in human psychology and cultural history:(1) the rise of large-scale …

The effect of police body-worn cameras on use of force and citizens' complaints against the police: A randomized controlled trial

B Ariel, WA Farrar, A Sutherland - Journal of quantitative criminology, 2015 - Springer
Objective Police use-of-force continues to be a major source of international concern,
inviting interest from academics and practitioners alike. Whether justified or unnecessary …