Artificial intelligence for fault diagnosis of rotating machinery: A review
Fault diagnosis of rotating machinery plays a significant role for the reliability and safety of
modern industrial systems. As an emerging field in industrial applications and an effective …
modern industrial systems. As an emerging field in industrial applications and an effective …
The numerical modeling of rotor–stator rubbing in rotating machinery: a comprehensive review
The rotor–stator rubbing in rotating machinery generated as a consequence of rotor
imbalance, shaft misalignment, and casing deformation is a potential threat to the machinery …
imbalance, shaft misalignment, and casing deformation is a potential threat to the machinery …
Nonlinear responses of a dual-rotor system with rub-impact fault subject to interval uncertain parameters
C Fu, W Zhu, Z Zheng, C Sun, Y Yang, K Lu - Mechanical Systems and …, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper aims to study the nonlinear steady-state response of a dual-rotor system with rub-
impact fault subject to unknown-but-bounded (UBB) uncertainties. Mathematical modelling …
impact fault subject to unknown-but-bounded (UBB) uncertainties. Mathematical modelling …
Study on dynamic characteristics of the gear-dual-rotor system with multi-position rubbing
To reveal the mechanism of gear meshing induced rubbing and investigate the nonlinear
dynamic response characteristics of a gear-dual-rotor system with multi-position rubbing, a …
dynamic response characteristics of a gear-dual-rotor system with multi-position rubbing, a …
Experimental investigations on vibration response of misaligned rotors
TH Patel, AK Darpe - Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2009 - Elsevier
Misalignment is one of the most commonly observed faults in rotating machines. However,
there have been relatively limited research efforts in the past to understand its effect on …
there have been relatively limited research efforts in the past to understand its effect on …
A review: multiplicative faults and model-based condition monitoring strategies for fault diagnosis in rotary machines
In the present review article, the research findings in the field of investigating the vibrational
nature of the rotating machineries under the influence of multiplicative faults and their …
nature of the rotating machineries under the influence of multiplicative faults and their …
Vibration response of misaligned rotors
TH Patel, AK Darpe - Journal of sound and vibration, 2009 - Elsevier
Misalignment is one of the common faults observed in rotors. Effect of misalignment on
vibration response of coupled rotors is investigated in the present study. The coupled rotor …
vibration response of coupled rotors is investigated in the present study. The coupled rotor …
On modeling and damage detection methodologies in rotor systems
Damages in rotor systems have severe impact on their functionality, safety, running
durability and their industrial productivity, which usually leads to unavoidable economical …
durability and their industrial productivity, which usually leads to unavoidable economical …
Coupled bending-torsional vibration analysis of rotor with rub and crack
TH Patel, AK Darpe - Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2009 - Elsevier
Rotor–stator rub and fatigue crack of the shafts are two important rotor faults. They have
detrimental effects on health and reliability of the rotating machinery. In this paper, modelling …
detrimental effects on health and reliability of the rotating machinery. In this paper, modelling …
[HTML][HTML] Numerical and experimental analysis on the whirl orbit with inner loop in cracked rotor system
Cracks in rotor systems are generated because of internal as well as external heavy loading
conditions. The external loading conditions could be attributed to thermal gradients (such as …
conditions. The external loading conditions could be attributed to thermal gradients (such as …