Generation of fast charged particles and superstrong magnetic fields in the interaction of ultrashort high-intensity laser pulses with solid targets

VS Belyaev, VP Krainov, VS Lisitsa… - Physics …, 2008 -
Recent experimental and theoretical investigations are reviewed concerning the generation
of fast charged particles and superstrong magnetic fields in the interaction of ultrashort laser …

Генерация быстрых заряженных частиц и сверхсильных магнитных полей при взаимодействии сверхкоротких интенсивных лазерных импульсов с …

ВС Беляев, ВП Крайнов, ВС Лисица… - Успехи физических …, 2008 -
Развитие нового поколения твердотельных лазеров привело к уникальным условиям
облучения лазерных мишеней световыми импульсами с интенсивностями излучения в …

Electron acceleration by ponderomotive force in magnetized quantum plasma

AK Singh, S Chandra - Laser and Particle Beams, 2017 -
The possibilities of electron acceleration by ponderomotive force of a circularly polarized
laser pulse in magnetized quantum plasma have been explored. The basic mechanism …

Ponderomotive force driven mechanism for electrostatic wave excitation and energy absorption of electromagnetic waves in overdense magnetized plasma

LP Goswami, S Maity, D Mandal… - Plasma Physics and …, 2021 -
The excitation of electrostatic waves in plasma by laser electromagnetic (EM) pulse is
important as it provides a scheme by which the power from the laser EM field can be …

Electron acceleration by relativistic pondermotive force in the interaction of intense laser pulse with an axially inhomogeneous underdense plasma

X **a, G Wei, K Tian, J Chen, Q Liang - Modern Physics Letters B, 2022 - World Scientific
In this paper, electron acceleration by relativistic pondermotive force has been studied in the
interaction of intense laser pulse with an axially inhomogeneous underdense plasma. The …

Self-modulation of linearly polarized electromagnetic waves in non-Maxwellian plasmas

LA Rios, RMO Galvao - Physics of Plasmas, 2010 -
The self-modulation of a linearly polarized electromagnetic wave propagating in a non-
Maxwellian plasma is investigated. The plasma electrons (ions) obey a κ distribution …

Ponderomotive acceleration of electrons by a self focused laser pulse

R Singh, AK Sharma - Physics of Plasmas, 2010 -
Ponderomotive acceleration of electrons by a short laser pulse undergoing relativistic self-
focusing in a plasma is investigated. The saturation in nonlinear plasma permittivity causes …

Electron energy enhancement by a circularly polarized laser pulse in vacuum

KP Singh, DN Gupta, V Sajal - Laser and Particle Beams, 2009 -
Energy enhancement by a circularly polarized laser pulse during acceleration of the
electrons by a Gaussian laser pulse has been investigated. The electrons close to the …

Electron acceleration by elliptical q-Gaussian laser pulse in collisionless plasma with exponential density ramp: combined effect of self-focusing and self-compression

N Gupta, R Johari, AK Alex, S Choudhry, S Kumar… - Journal of Optics, 2024 - Springer
A scheme for electron acceleration by self-focused and self-compressed q-Gaussian laser
pulses in under dense plasma has been presented. The ponderomotive force acting on the …

Ponderomotive snowplow electron acceleration with high energy tilted ultrafast laser pulses

P Hunt, A Wilhelm, D Adams, S Wang, R Hollinger… - 2024 -
The application high intensity ultrafast lasers to compact plasma-based electron
accelerators has recently been an extremely active area of research. Here, for the first time …