Diel biogeochemical processes and their effect on the aqueous chemistry of streams: A review

DA Nimick, CH Gammons, SR Parker - Chemical Geology, 2011 - Elsevier
This review summarizes biogeochemical processes that operate on diel, or 24-h, time scales
in streams and the changes in aqueous chemistry that are associated with these processes …

Dissolved oxygen in water and its stable isotope effects: A review

M Mader, C Schmidt, R van Geldern, JAC Barth - Chemical Geology, 2017 - Elsevier
Dissolved oxygen (DO) is one of the most commonly measured parameters in aqueous
studies, however its sources and sinks such as atmospheric exchange, photosynthesis or …

Lake metabolic processes and their effects on the carbonate weathering CO2 sink: Insights from diel variations in the hydrochemistry of a typical karst lake in SW …

H He, Y Wang, Z Liu, Q Bao, Y Wei, C Chen, H Sun - Water Research, 2022 - Elsevier
The precipitation of carbonate minerals does not invariably result in CO 2 emission to the
atmosphere, because dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) can be partially utilized by terrestrial …

Influence of diel biogeochemical cycles on carbonate equilibrium in a karst river

V De Montety, JB Martin, MJ Cohen, C Foster, MJ Kurz - Chemical Geology, 2011 - Elsevier
Variations in temperature, photosynthesis, and respiration force diel variations in pH and
dissolved CO2 concentrations of surface streams, possibly controlling carbonate equilibrium …

High rates of daytime respiration in three streams: Use of δ18OO2 and O2 to model diel ecosystem metabolism

ER Hotchkiss, ROJ Hall - Limnology and Oceanography, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Photosynthesis and respiration determine the carbon and oxygen (O2) balance of
ecosystems. Current methods used to estimate ecosystem respiration (ER) do not include …

Diel cycling and stable isotopes of dissolved oxygen, dissolved inorganic carbon, and nitrogenous species in a stream receiving treated municipal sewage

CH Gammons, JN Babcock, SR Parker, SR Poulson - Chemical Geology, 2011 - Elsevier
Diel and synoptic studies were undertaken in Silver Bow Creek, a small, highly eutrophic
stream receiving municipal sewage from the city of Butte, Montana, USA. During mid …

Diurnal fluctuations of electrical conductivity in a pre-alpine river: Effects of photosynthesis and groundwater exchange

M Hayashi, T Vogt, L Mächler, M Schirmer - Journal of Hydrology, 2012 - Elsevier
Diurnal fluctuations of dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration and pH due to photosynthesis
and respiration are commonly observed in rivers that support periphyton growth. Diurnal …

Seasonal and diurnal variations in DIC, NO3− and TOC concentrations in spring-pond ecosystems under different land-uses at the Shawan Karst Test Site, SW China …

S Zeng, H Liu, Z Liu, G Kaufmann, Q Zeng, B Chen - Journal of Hydrology, 2019 - Elsevier
Human activities have altered terrestrial carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) dynamics via changes
to land cover and use such as deforestation, agriculture, application of fertilizers, etc. and …

Combined use of radiocarbon and stable carbon isotope to constrain the sources and cycling of particulate organic carbon in a large freshwater lake, China

J Chen, H Yang, Y Zeng, J Guo, Y Song… - Science of the Total …, 2018 - Elsevier
The concentrations and isotopic compositions of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and
particulate organic carbon (POC) were measured in order to better constrain the sources …

Coupled control of land uses and aquatic biological processes on the diurnal hydrochemical variations in the five ponds at the Shawan Karst Test Site, China …

B Chen, R Yang, Z Liu, H Sun, H Yan, Q Zeng, S Zeng… - Chemical …, 2017 - Elsevier
High-resolution hydrochemical data from five spring-fed ponds are presented to
demonstrate the effect of different land uses and aquatic biological processes on the carbon …