Navigating through an energy crisis: Challenges and progress towards electricity decarbonisation, reliability, and affordability in Italy
Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine and amidst COVID-19 recovery efforts, the energy
crisis has put enormous pressure to policymakers to balance climate action, sustainable …
crisis has put enormous pressure to policymakers to balance climate action, sustainable …
A review of scenario planning
This paper reviews the scenario planning literature looking for answers for the following
questions: How do qualitative and quantitative scenario methods differ and what are the …
questions: How do qualitative and quantitative scenario methods differ and what are the …
Evaluating poverty alleviation strategies in a develo** country
PK Singh, H Chudasama - PloS one, 2020 - journals.plos.org
A slew of participatory and community-demand-driven approaches have emerged in order to
address the multi-dimensional nature of poverty in develo** nations. The present study …
address the multi-dimensional nature of poverty in develo** nations. The present study …
Modelling with stakeholders
A Voinov, F Bousquet - Environmental modelling & software, 2010 - Elsevier
Stakeholder engagement, collaboration, or participation, shared learning or fact-finding,
have become buzz words and hardly any environmental assessment or modelling effort …
have become buzz words and hardly any environmental assessment or modelling effort …
A review of fuzzy cognitive maps research during the last decade
This survey makes a review of the most recent applications and trends on fuzzy cognitive
maps (FCMs) over the past decade. FCMs are inference networks, using cyclic digraphs, for …
maps (FCMs) over the past decade. FCMs are inference networks, using cyclic digraphs, for …
Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for futures studies—A methodological assessment of concepts and methods
Abstract Fuzzy Cognitive Map (FCM) modelling is highly suitable for the demands of future
studies: it uses a mix of qualitative and quantitative approaches, it enables the inclusion of …
studies: it uses a mix of qualitative and quantitative approaches, it enables the inclusion of …
Mental modeler: a fuzzy-logic cognitive map** modeling tool for adaptive environmental management
Participatory modeling has grown in popularity in recent years with the acknowledgement
that stakeholder knowledge is an essential component to informed environmental decision …
that stakeholder knowledge is an essential component to informed environmental decision …
Scenario processes for socio-environmental systems analysis of futures: a review of recent efforts and a salient research agenda for supporting decision making
This paper reviews the latest research on scenarios including the processes and products
for socio-environmental systems (SES) analysis, modeling and decision making. A group of …
for socio-environmental systems (SES) analysis, modeling and decision making. A group of …
Exploring the determinants of digital entrepreneurship using fuzzy cognitive maps
In an increasingly digital world, almost anything can now be done through a computer or
smartphone. Digital entrepreneurship is capitalizing on this trend, which brings numerous …
smartphone. Digital entrepreneurship is capitalizing on this trend, which brings numerous …
Methods for translating narrative scenarios into quantitative assessments of land use change
In the land use and land cover (LULC) literature, narrative scenarios are qualitative
descriptions of plausible futures associated with a combination of socio-economic, policy …
descriptions of plausible futures associated with a combination of socio-economic, policy …