Spherical whispering‐gallery‐mode microresonators
Whispering‐gallery modes (WGM) on a spherical surface were first described by Lord
Rayleigh at the beginning of the last century, but only after the invention of laser did they …
Rayleigh at the beginning of the last century, but only after the invention of laser did they …
Mechanisms for photogeneration and recombination of multiexcitons in semiconductor nanocrystals: Implications for lasing and solar energy conversion
One consequence of strong spatial confinement of electronic wave functions in ultrasmall
semiconductor nanocrystals is a great enhancement of carrier− carrier interactions, which …
semiconductor nanocrystals is a great enhancement of carrier− carrier interactions, which …
Designer polymer–quantum dot architectures
Quantum dots (QDs) are nanocrystals made of semiconductors, which exhibit intriguing
electronic transitions that resemble single atom behavior. Due to their unique, size-tunable …
electronic transitions that resemble single atom behavior. Due to their unique, size-tunable …
A room temperature continuous-wave nanolaser using colloidal quantum wells
Colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals have emerged as promising active materials for
solution-processable optoelectronic and light-emitting devices. In particular, the …
solution-processable optoelectronic and light-emitting devices. In particular, the …
Precipitation− redispersion of cerium oxide nanoparticles with poly (acrylic acid): Toward stable dispersions
We exploit a precipitation− redispersion mechanism for complexation of short chain
polyelectrolytes with cerium oxide nanoparticles to extend their stability ranges. As …
polyelectrolytes with cerium oxide nanoparticles to extend their stability ranges. As …
Incorporation of luminescent nanocrystals into monodisperse core–shell silica microspheres
Microspheres containing chromophores have been utilized in an extensive variety of
applications, including photonic crystals,[1, 2] biological labeling,[3, 4] and flow visualization …
applications, including photonic crystals,[1, 2] biological labeling,[3, 4] and flow visualization …
Whispering‐gallery‐mode lasing from a semiconductor nanocrystal/microsphere resonator composite
Semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs) are attractive as lasing media given their photostability,
spectrally narrow gain profile, wide color tunability, and ease of chemical processing.[1±3] …
spectrally narrow gain profile, wide color tunability, and ease of chemical processing.[1±3] …
In-situ encapsulation of quantum dots into polymer microspheres
We have incorporated fluorescent quantum dots (QDs) into polystyrene microspheres using
functionalized oligomeric phosphine (OP) ligands. We find that a uniform distribution of …
functionalized oligomeric phosphine (OP) ligands. We find that a uniform distribution of …
Microspheres including nanoparticles
(57) ABSTRACT A microparticle can include a central region and a peripheral region. The
peripheral region can include a nanoparticle, Such as a metal nanoparticle, a metal oxide …
peripheral region can include a nanoparticle, Such as a metal nanoparticle, a metal oxide …
Core/shell fluorescent magnetic silica-coated composite nanoparticles for bioconjugation
R He, X You, J Shao, F Gao, B Pan, D Cui - Nanotechnology, 2007 - iopscience.iop.org
A new class of highly fluorescent, photostable, and magnetic core/shell nanoparticles has
been synthesized from a reverse microemulsion method. The obtained bifunctional …
been synthesized from a reverse microemulsion method. The obtained bifunctional …