[HTML][HTML] Dynamic traffic assignment: A review of the methodological advances for environmentally sustainable road transportation applications
The fact that road transportation negatively affects the quality of the environment and
deteriorates its bearing capacity has drawn a wide range of concerns among researchers. In …
deteriorates its bearing capacity has drawn a wide range of concerns among researchers. In …
ITS for sustainable mobility: A survey on applications and impact assessment tools
Road transportation is one of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions, which lead to
global warming and climate change. Promoting the decarbonization of this sector through …
global warming and climate change. Promoting the decarbonization of this sector through …
Eco-cooperative adaptive cruise control at signalized intersections considering queue effects
Traffic signals typically introduce vehicle stops along a trip and thus increase vehicle fuel
consumption levels. In attempt to enhance vehicle fuel efficiency, eco-cooperative adaptive …
consumption levels. In attempt to enhance vehicle fuel efficiency, eco-cooperative adaptive …
Intersection management via vehicle connectivity: The intersection cooperative adaptive cruise control system concept
IH Zohdy, HA Rakha - Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Since the introduction of the vehicle infrastructure integration (VII) and connected vehicle
(CV) initiatives in the United States, numerous in-vehicle technologies based on wireless …
(CV) initiatives in the United States, numerous in-vehicle technologies based on wireless …
Dynamic ECO-driving for arterial corridors
M Barth, S Mandava… - 2011 IEEE forum on …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
There are a variety of strategies that are now being considered to reduce fuel consumption
and carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions from the transportation sector. One strategy that is …
and carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions from the transportation sector. One strategy that is …
Arterial velocity planning based on traffic signal information under light traffic conditions
S Mandava, K Boriboonsomsin… - 2009 12th International …, 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Vehicle fuel consumption and emissions are directly related to the acceleration/deceleration
patterns and the idling period. In order to reduce emissions and improve fuel economy …
patterns and the idling period. In order to reduce emissions and improve fuel economy …
Dynamic eco-driving for signalized arterial corridors and its indirect network-wide energy/emissions benefits
H **a, K Boriboonsomsin, M Barth - Journal of Intelligent …, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
There are various strategies being considered to reduce fuel consumption and emissions
from the transportation sector. From the transportation operations perspective, one strategy …
from the transportation sector. From the transportation operations perspective, one strategy …
Vehicle emissions in congestion: Comparison of work zone, rush hour and free-flow conditions
Traffic congestion frequently occurs during rush hour periods and in work zones, and can
account for a significant share of vehicle emissions and air quality impacts. This study …
account for a significant share of vehicle emissions and air quality impacts. This study …
The effect of electrified mobility on the relationship between traffic conditions and energy consumption
Decreasing road transport's harmful effects on environment and health and reducing road
accidents are major policy priorities. A variety of technologies could drastically improve air …
accidents are major policy priorities. A variety of technologies could drastically improve air …
Eco-driving at signalized intersections: A multiple signal optimization approach
Consecutive traffic signalized intersections can increase vehicle stops, producing vehicle
accelerations on arterial roads and potentially increasing vehicle fuel consumption levels …
accelerations on arterial roads and potentially increasing vehicle fuel consumption levels …