[HTML][HTML] Contribution of Maintenance 4.0 in Sustainable Development with an Industrial Case Study

Y El Kihel, A El Kihel, EM Bouyahrouzi - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
Digitalization and digitization are topics for researchers and manufacturers. Integrating new
technologies facilitates the collection of data from a company in real-time and processing …

[PDF][PDF] Efficiency and compliance of a steam boiler with standards and regulations

A Meksoub, Y El Kihel, A El Kihel… - International Journal on …, 2022 - iotpe.tabaelm.com
The risk associated with steam boilers comparing to other equipment and machinery is very
important, and accidents are fatal when the conditions of use of such devices are not …

Optimizing Energy Generation: Real-Time Performance Management Strategy Leveraging 4.0 Technologies in the Energy 4.0 Era

A El Kihel, L Sehli, S Embarki… - 2023 7th IEEE Congress …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The optimal performance of thermal and energy systems is crucial in today's industrial
sector. Therefore, emphasizing effective energy use monitoring and control becomes …

Development of a Real-Time ANN Algorithm Based Performance Management Strategy for Energy Generation System in the Context of Energy 4.0

B El Mahdi, S Lotfi, E Soufiane - 2023 IEEE 12th …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In the industrial sector, ensuring optimal facility operation has become a key priority, which
requires energy monitoring and control. With the integration of new technologies, optimizing …

Maintenance 4.0 using intelligent ultrasonic sensors

A Bakdid, A El Kihel, B El Kihel - … International Conference on …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Maintenance 4.0 using intelligent ultrasonic sensors heralds a significant evolution in
industrial maintenance. Embracing the philosophy of Industry 4.0, the use of ultrasonic …

Machine Learning Algorithms for Prediction of Boiler Steam Production

D Lianzhai, R Roestam, TW Sen, H Fahmi… - International Journal of … - neliti.com
The continuous increase in global electricity demand has resulted in boiler power plants
becoming a significant energy source. The production of steam is a principal indicator of …


A Meksoub, A El Kihel, A Bakdid, B El Kihel - iotpe.com
Steam loss affects energy performance of thermal installations and increases energy bills.
Some loss comes in the form of manageable and remediable leaks, while others are difficult …